American Indians in general?
American Indians in general?
Uh.... Bosmer, maybe? Maybe Argonians.
And this is, like, very loosely. There's none that are carbon copies.
I figured bosmer, so none of the human races can be considered. Too bad so sad i suppose
Well, the Forsworn share similarities, and they're Bretons. It's not even close to the traditional Breton culture, though.
Thank you for the quick response. Either Breton or Bosmer it is
I made an that I tried to make look like a (fictional)
I think it works.
I meant more so as in how the race acted and lived.
Oh. Well then, I wouldn't really say race at all. The Skaal are more like Native Americans than anyone in the game IMO. They share very similar ideas about life and nature.
I did a little bit of "loresearch"? Bosmer seemed the closest with the way they live, and the forsworn how they got treated? Is there a mod to get rid of the elf ears of Bosmer?
There are no Native Americans in The Elder Scrolls. Enjoy the fantasy realm that is alien to our boring world.
The old Yokudan ways of the Redguards seem somewhat similar to classic Native American culture.
Forsworn, since they also seemed stuck in the stone age before intervention of others.
Its kind of an oddity in our own world:
European people were in the Dark Ages, for something like 900 years. No real big advancements went on.
Even so, other cultures were still far more primitive; They had 900 years to catch up.
Instead of having flint/stone tipped arrows when Europeans landed in metal armor with metal weapons, Native Americans should have had laser guns.
There are many, many ethnic groups native to the Americas.
Hell, the arctic ones like the Aleut and the Eskimo would share more in common with the Skaal than say, the Huaorani of Ecuador.
I can't be the only one who finds the subject of this topic offensive. There is no over-arching culture of Native Americans, there are hundreds upon hundreds of tribes with a vast range of cultural practices and languages. There is no 'classic Native American' culture, that's simply a construct of ignorance. I believe it would be best if a moderator locked this topic...and I shall request it.
Woah, there - what exactly is offensive about this? Sure, it's a simplification to talk about a single culture of Native Americans, I'll concede that, but really - is that so offensive as to request a lockdown? Also, I don't see anyone in the thread making comments that could be interpreted as intentionally offensive.
Skyrim draws on the real world for inspiration, to some extent. I'd say there are some elements in Skyrim that seem to match with some concepts of various examples of Native American cultures.
How is this topic any different than pointing out similarities between Nords and the Norse, for example?
Unless one is earnestly looking to be offended by the mere mention of native cultures, I don't get the indignation.
What could possibly be offensive about this topic? i don't think you know the meaning of offensive, just ignore the topic if it bothers you that much.
Indians? That would have been a good race, but i think the elves are closest to the indians, although the skin color is much differant, they are both good in archery, and we all know indians main wepon is the bow.
When Velorien stated 'classic Native American culture', in particular.
I will not simply ignore topics, that's part of the problem - ignoring something doesn't make it go away. I do know the meaning of offensive, and I just get this vibe that people will end up generalising about Native American culture in the same old ignorant manner. If that isn't what happens, then fine, but I believe it's worth mentioning that it can be very offensive to Native Americans in particular who have seen their various ways of life ridden over by American culture and then appropriated with little respect for the origin of those ways of life. The problem with this sort of topic, especially when it concerns supressed cultures, is that the 'similarities' will be based on stereotypes, and it's those stereotypes that people can find very offensive. Maybe reporting to a moderator was an over-reaction, but it is something people need to keep in mind.
How is this offensive? A simple question, I agree, you obviously dont know the meaning of offensive.
So what if people first think about the stereotypical native American? that's not offensive. It's up to the individual if they want to research native American culture in more depth.
If a real native American gets offended at this topic somehow, then let them be the one to say, don't ruin it for everyone else by getting it locked though.
Like I said, reporting was my over-reaction - I apologise for that. However, just like I also said, it's something to keep in mind. Perhaps it'd be better if particular practices were referred to, since as I don't really know where one starts to draw the similarities (one can be far too general and end up being able to say the same thing about cultures all across the world and throughout history).
There's this concept on something called the 'Grain Belt'. Basically, continents spanning east to west/west to east along certain lines of latitude favour the development of technologically advanced civilisations over north to south/south to north. Agriculture has a major impact on technological development. There's a sweet spot in terms of latitude where many different types of grain can be grown and bred, and things went on from there.
The key question here is, which Native Americans? They changed quite a frigging lot across the American continent.
I already figured it out so lock this please. Also sorry if this offends?
Nords shared totem worship for a long time and still do in solstheim. The Forsworn, while not totemics, are tribal and mystic. Bosmer share some tropes with native americans, such as living off the land.