» Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:36 pm
That's really a question that different players will have their own opinion on, because it really comes down to a player's preference. Myself, I usually go for Khajiit, Argonians, or sometimes orcs. I get to play as a human in 99% of games in existence, why waste time playing as one in games that give me a choice to do otherwise? And elves are too close to humans for comfort, plus, if any fantasy RPG lets me choose my race, you can bet elves will be on the list, but in other games, if you see orcs or lizardmen, chances are they're going to be all "Me kill you because me am eviiiiiiiiil! Raaaaaagh!" and then just run at the player just to die. Cat men might get a slightly kinder portrayal, if they show up at all, but even so, they probably won't be playable, because they're not bland enough to be player characters in most fantasy games. Humans are just too bland to pick when I can be some weird fantasy race instead, and elves are too overused to be any less bland to me, and the Elder Scrolls elves all have certain very unlikable traits that make me not want to play as them. Now, this isn't to say that these races can't make interesting characters, or even that they can't have interesting culture, but as a playable race, I really don't feel that inclined to choose them when I could choose one of the races I favor.
But really, like I said, it's a matter of personal opinion. Some players might like choosing Bland Race 32 or Viking Ripoff 27 for their characters, and it's not my place to tell them they should do otherwise. Their choices might not be the same choice I'd make, but if it's trhe choice that makes them happy, they should go ahead with it. After all, we all want to play this game because we want to be entertained, so naturally, players should play the game in a way that's most entertaining for them. Since you asked, though, I posted the above opinion, and in any case, you still have a while to decide what race you're going to play. I myself haven't actually decided what race my first character in Skyrim will be, or even any details on the subject, but regardless, I'm sure I'll make more than one character, so I'll still have oportunities to choose other races beyond whatever I chose for my first character.