» Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:25 am
Well since in Lord of Souls the Nords apparently 'gave' the island of Solstheim to the Dunmer(who already had claim to it), most of them are probably there near the southern parts of Solstheim. At least that is what Sul thinks though he does not KNOW. The Orcs however had an entire exodus, after a sacking of Orsinium by Bretons and Redguards. The Orcs were guided by Imperials into Skyrim to take refuge.
So it is likely a throw up between Orcs and Dunmer but I would expect it more like this. From most populous to least, Nords, Orcs, Dunmer, Imperials, Bretons, Redguards, Altmer(Thalmor on the move), Khajiit, Bosmer, and finally Argonians.
The Dunmer will be more populous in the eastern portion of Skyrim and the Orcs will be more populous in the western portion of Skyrim. Though both should be fairly spread out after about 150-180 years of being there. The sack of Orsinium must have been around 4E 10-20 given that the events of Lord of Souls occurs in the 4E 40's and the age of Mazgar, which I am not sure of, seems like she would be about 20 years old or so.