» Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:49 am
In other words,some midle east setting will look awesome in cryengine.
I know it's not an original/new idea but this is just my oppinion.
Or a short story,here it is:
You start fighting in year 2012 as a U.S Soldier in some middle east country that is unstable due to it's terrorism activity<<<(this would be like a playable flashback).Then something happens: the terrorists are advancing with they're technology surprisingly fast and you are sent all by yourself to investigate and then you find out that they are using alien technology from a unknown race that looks similiar to us(humans)that they made an aliance with,but they are from a far far away planet and came here to earth using advanced technology to travel in a very short amount of time to prepare a massive attack against the humanity and consume all it's resources.
When you find out what's all about you send all the intel to the HQ and then a HUGE invasion of the NATO forces beggins.
The surprise is that non NATO countries that have big millitary resources will join the invasion by your side,countries like Russia,China,Japan etc.
Then you find out that a man with high rank in the military of the country that is hosting the aliens does not entirely agree with what they want to do and he will pick his loyal men,soldiers,scientists etc,and they will contact the HQ to join you.
Civilians from the host country will join too,willing to help saving they're country/humanity by giving all the help they can by using equipment from the Allied forces,most of them taking the role of infantry.
Then a message from space is picked up by the Allied sattelites and decoding it,and then finding out that the enemy is sending a wave of troops to fight us.
Massive attacks by the enemy forces are taking place all over the world,mostly in Europe.
All remaining forces in they're main countries are giving they're best to defend they're homeland by using all military resources.
Some smaller countries are occupied by the enemy and used as bases to plan they're next attacks on allied forces.
Until now not too many troops were wearing the NANOSUIT,but it seems that the U.S was not the only country that had the nanosuit,alot of other countries had it but they kept it as a secret for security purposes.
Now that every country is taking to the fight all the best they have,most soldiers will wear different types of nanosuits,light armor,heavy armor etc.
Due to the decision of all countries to reveal the secret that they have nanosuits too, the enemy will start feeling that they attacked the wrong planet...
The allied forces are now starting to regain territory.
Big fleets of allied jetfighters are starting huge bombardments over the remaining enemy bases in the countries that they have conquered before.
After a long/intense fighting the enemy also have air support coming in for a last try.
The enemy intentions were USELESS.
Most of they're technology is captured by allied forces and used to our advantage to make the last push.
After a long time of fighting we finaly win and everything starts going back to normal.
When the NATO forces starts the invasion you will switch between different allied countries to make different types of missions in different ways.
The same goes for the Europe scenary (see singleplayer story)
The maps will be singleplayer locations ofcourse.
The more people per session the better.
Each player get to choose the country they want to play with (see singleplayer story) and command they're own squad of bots.
You will either advance and take points or killing waves of enemies.
HUGE maps with lots of types of VEHICLES and you will have some epic battles going on.
Built in menu 1st person/3rd person option.