Impierials or Stormcloaks?
I think stormcloaks because impierial tried to kill you in the beginning, but i also think impierals because ulfric killed the HK
Impierials or Stormcloaks?
I think stormcloaks because impierial tried to kill you in the beginning, but i also think impierals because ulfric killed the HK
Okay, seriously?
This is actually the one thread you should and need to do research on. There is a seach bar for a reason.
There is actually a small ban in effect for CW threads.
Personal opinion. No matter which side you choose, it all comes down to personal choice.
To anyone who wants to post here; Don't start the war again. If you want to state your choice and reason, fine. But don't start sniping back and forth. People will end up with warnings and posting ability suspensions if the forum rules are broken.
I guess this has the green light...
I went with the Empire because I really believe a united Empire has the best chance to eliminate the Thalmor. A second reason is because I hate the nearly all the Jarls that get put in place because of the Stormcloaks.
I also like the reaction people have if/should the Empire win. Lot's of hope.
We can't tell you who to support.
gamesas really wrote both sides well; there is no clear good or bad side. We know this because civil war threads/polls tend to be evently supported. Both side have good points, both sides have bad points.
Take your time and don't rush in. Talk to the jarls. Talk to Ulfric and Tullius. See what common people have to say. Try to complete the Main Quest and see what happens during "Season Unending." When you do decide to give it a go, make a save before signing up with one side, then complete the civil war for both sides.
Sweet Enola Gay son! Give me your game, I'll play it for you. I'll make a post telling you how I ends!
What race are you OP?
Most races besides Nords have no good reason to join the Stormcloaks.
Of course race doesn't matter, but doesn't feel even a bit strange?
It does when you factor in racial backgrounds.
Your Altmer is a heretic!!
I usually choose the empire. Im an orc or imperial usually. I dont think i need a reason as an imperial, but as an orc, the empire has always helped out the orsimer through thick and thin.
This is one of those things you'd better figure out yourself.
It isn't exactly black and white subject, and you can't really point one of the two sides as wrong and say that's absolute truth.
I killed more Imperials with my Orc legate through decimation than my Nord Stormblade did in battle.
Is there something wrong with me?
Well the only reason why I decimated so much legionnaires is to ensure that those who do survive till the end are strong and brave warriors ready to defend against the Dominion in the next war