Yeah sounds like they have everything under control
It sure did when the akaviri attempted to invade. The individual provinces have banded together in the face of larger threats before. Even provinces that historically hated each other(Morrowind/Skyrim).
Based on this I'd say have your character choose to stay neutral. Your character seems to conflicted to make one side or another a good choice because your character will have regrets both ways.
It is not, because governments in the end will do whatever it takes to keep on going. It's more then probable. It's plausible that they will to fight the elven menace. In fact, the empire won't have a choice really.
Funny, considering how well they did last time, and that was with Hammerfell distracting them. Without Hammerfell, they're in deep doo doo. They need Hammerfell. Don't josh yourself.
This is why beth really needed to have a speech skill option to end the civil war permanently during the peace treaty. Some of us like both sides, and with a bit of shmoozing I think both could come to an agreement. But apparently speech is only for selling things now
You say he hates the Thalmor, but how does he feel about the Dominion?
I'd love to see them try...
And anyway, Tullius has like, no sixy pic art for a thread like that.
Letting your enemy come in and kidnap/torture/kill civilians for their religion is a mere flaw eh? Damn, you're like every gov's ideal citizen.
Stormcloaks aren't the ones bending knee to Thalmor.
Ehh... why not just this one time.
The Empire. Why? Better for the future of Skyrim, trade, laws, yadda yadda yadda.
Going messing with any locks around here, we're going to have a real problem.
Hands to yourself, sneak thief.
But a lot of these problems were going on before the thalmor formed?
Right, because all of their shortcoming start and end with their prostituting their citizens to the thalmor. Check that list again, friend. And "rebelling always = cool", lol, you say that as if they don't have every reason to do so, and as if my responses were glorifying the SCs and weren't well thought out unlike others I've seen.
They would have been better off a band of rouge Thalmor hunters. Instead of starting a unnecessary Civil War they could have taken their fight to the root of the problem, the Thalmor. The Imperials aren't the bad guys, they are caught bewteen a rock and a hard place and they are doing what they must to get by. These will be my last remarks on this thread.
You call defending their cause glorifying, which is inaccurate. It's cool that you respect their cause or whatever, but I can't say the same for the imps. Think badly of me if you want, but there is absolutely nothing redeeming in them to me. That benefit of the doubt crap stops right at the point where religious hunting is allowed in your territory for any reason. There's a reason it's getting slandered. And lets not pretend like the imps aren't taking every opportunity to slander the SCs. And Ulfric.
The Empire would simply do what they did at Markarth and arrest them all. The imps are the bad guys in my book. They're the ones letting the butterscotch elves in.