Which side?

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:22 pm

Sorry, double post. See above.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:26 pm

Where is it said, specifically?

Of course it is subtle. Beth didn't want it to be a black and white subject so that both sides would be valid choices for the player.

Except that Brunwulf doesn't say he is continuing Ulfric's policy by doing so.

And really, if it were all the same Scouts-Many-Marshes wouldn't be so happy to see him gone.

"You have no idea. Did you know it was his decree that forbade the Argonians from living inside the city walls? I hope in his next life, he's reborn as an Argonian forced to live in a slum because of some bigoted Nord dictator. I'm joking, of course, but I'm a lot happier seeing the Empire running things in Windhelm."

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Holli Dillon
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:17 pm

Emperor without an empire. They never really had control even of Cyrodiil, let alone anyone else.

The only reason to stay in this club is nostalgia. Sure, some people talk about economic benefit, but those are rich nobs who would miss their payoffs, not the common populace. The very same people who talk about how great the Thalmor are to their friends.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:44 pm

As far as i am concerned, both sides are the same in terms of content, so it does not matter what people on the forums say.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:10 am

... Except that he is?
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:32 pm

One of the npcs. I don't know who, but you can ask around and see I'm not lying. You call it subtle, I call it non existent. Lack of solid, or even weak evidence.

They're clearly not. Emperor Mede's death being a biggie.

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Helen Quill
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:39 pm

...except there is no evidence that he wants to, and he only "continues it" because the war drained the coffers, which Stormcoward would hide so he can get more going purely to the war effort

Except it isn't made one in the game.

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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:07 pm

Game-play is a representation of lore. you can't just blindly cast it down.

This is not game-play mechanics and stats. This is a visual and scaled down representation of what could be achieved. The results would still be the same. A single race(Nords) make up 50% of their homeland. That makes them the majority because they single-handedly out-number everyone else. The other 50% consist of 9 other races. This isn't a big surprise.

Compare this to Morrowind which is extremely xenophobic. 75%.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:38 am

Its a poor representation, and leads to poor evidence. Nothing tangible to go off of at all. As for scaling, if you scale the amount of steps to high hrothgar up, it still isn't 7000 steps. Poor representation, poor non existent evidence.

Neither is a lot of things. It did just happen.

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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:58 am

like Mede's death causing a panic in Cyrodiil and the legion in Skyrim?

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Ashley Hill
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:58 pm

The representation of 7,000 steps was accurate. It's scaled down, but lore-wise it's still 7,000 steps.

Scale up the logistics and it's still going to equal 50 - 60% Nords - 50 - 40% everyone else.

Unless of course, you promote the idea that Nords are more xenophobic and racist than Dunmer.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:45 pm

No the scaling isn't, and how did you jump to this conclusion based off of population?

In case you didn't notice, the game is called Skyrim, not Skyrim and Cyrodiil. We wouldn't know the reaction and news takes time to travel. No internet.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:04 am

Because you seem to have a problem with Nords making up 50% of the population. That's alot.

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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:08 pm

You would think the people of Skyrim would react more, or at least, the Imperial soldiers.

just admit, there is nothing to support that Mede's death will affect anything, so to is not evidence of them not being equal in terms of in-game content.

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Jake Easom
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:00 pm

I'm going to politely disagree. To me, the Stormcloaks in general, and Ulfric in particular, make a very deep and offensive mistake in their worldview. They think they're unique in what they've endured and lost. Hear me out here.

Look at the great war. Now, think of how the Imperials feel, seeing most of what they've accomplished stripped away. They've lost most of their armies, whole cities were razed, whole populations either destroyed or forced from their homes. Their nation was ravaged, their people brutalized, and to win they not only had to burn their own lands and seige their own capital, but had to allow the abuse of their people just to survive. Now they have to choke down the Thalmor, endure the abuses of the Elves and keep their rage in check, because right now they can't fight the Elves at their current strength. The Aldmeri didn't just strip them of their lives, they stripped them of their pride.

Now look at the Redguards. The only real "victors" in the war. Hammerfell is devastated even worse than Cyrodil, their allies were forced to cut them loose just so they could survive and now they feel as if they stand alone. Worse, any thinking Redguard knows that the Imperial Legions made the right choice in letting Hammerfell go, after the losses they'd suffered. It was a brutally harsh choice to make, but war forces those kinds of choices.

We have no idea how hard the Bretons had or have it, but being what the Thalmor would see as an abomination (mixed blood) can't be doing them any favors.

Now we have Skyrim. No massive battles were fought there. No holds annihilated, no populations butchered or displaced, not people forced to burn their own lands just to deny them to an enemy. Nords fought in the Legion, then were able to return home. Whats been done to Talos worshipers is both wrong and a great indignity, but aside from those that chose to fight under the Empires banner, the Great War cost them little.

And Ulfric has the unmitigated gall to tell the Empire and even Hammerfell, that Skyrim is somehow put upon so greatly that it justifies civil war. Weakening the Empire, the main bulwark of human strength in the world, even more in the face of what is obvious to anyone an upcoming war that will make the last one seen tame.

Skyrim and the Stormcloak rebellion do no exist in a vacuum. And few under Ulfrics banner have any idea what real suffering is. For that, they'd have to choke down their pride and talk to the people in the Imperial City.

For the Empire, and for Humanity United.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:52 pm

It's clooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosing time!

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:41 pm

Did you see how that conversation started? There was a point to it. And anyway, yea because there's nothing official that states nords dont make up a bigger population in the province that they've kept ever since they took it.

You'd think that the civilians would react more to what the dragonborn did too. You are in denial if you seriously think Mede's death won't affect anything. Seriously.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:58 am

couldn't agree more.

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luis ortiz
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:20 pm

Uh, I ws talking about the IN-GAME content, not the LORE content. MAJOR difference.

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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:58 pm

50% out of a total of 10 playable races is A LOT.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:34 pm

As much as I wish to see humanity suffer at the hands of the Thalmor...

I love this post. This is pretty much my feelings for my Empire supporting characters. Very well said friend.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:31 pm

It doesn't matter. Put it this way. If I gave you 5000 dollars for a job and you earned 10000, are you going to settle? The majority is likely nords. I'm not gonna settle for half just because some people think everyone should have an equal say in the land of the nords. Especialy without some lore saying so. Even if it was half, this is a Kingdom. Not a democracy. And nords rule it. The other races don't get equal say in the empire either despite the diversity, clearly from the WGC

I know. That's the problem.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:59 pm

And with no IN-GAME evidence that Mede's death affects anything, you have to admit that the subject is DOA (Dead On Arrival).

Or the whole game could be nothing but a dream...

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:07 pm

No it is not, because its obvious the lore will show it later. Lack of in game reactions means nothing.

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:56 am

in this case, we have no clue how Mede's death will affect the world lore-wise. All we have is the in-game issue of nothing happening, so say the lore will show up later is like saying it will rain in the future.

but still TES=dream so nothing matters, lore or in-game.

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