Morrowind, for me, stays the game with the best scenery ever. I remember to play it when I was 10 years old for the first time... Completely new to the RPG genre I just adventured through the island untill I died... I just walked around to view the scenery until I found out what the point of the game was...
Therefore I'd say scenery... A vast region to explore with a surprise under every stone

Yea Morrowind had something special, I hope Bethesda can recreate that feeling
Crafting!! I wish it was in the polls. :shrug:
That is a good one, oh well so far I missed that and the carriage system.
Wasn't in the poll but I look forward to the new way magic works the most.
And the feature I want most in Skyrim (That is not confirmed) is real dialogue and not:
Margaret Johansen
I included magic into the combat revamp.

Character creation is very important to me. I have not bought some games, because I could not help design my character in them. I voted for the Skryim backdrop. It will make a very interesting sandbox in which my characters can play. TES has always allowed me to create my characters. I have finished the main qukest in all the main TEX games, but the MQ is not my prime motivation. I like the adventure, exploration, problem solving, and yes character development aspects of TES games. I do intend to role-play as much as is practical, and look forward to many aspects of the game.
Ah yes, I too love to roleplay. Including only fast traveling when im stuck, and walking instead of running where appropriate.
If you dont roleplay you're really not getting all you can out of money spent on a tes game.