What about you? If you were zapped by a mad scientist in to the Imperial City where would you go and how would you get there?
Pelagiad. There has always been something about that little town that I love.
Riften, I would use my current knowledge of herbs and their properties (RL) and my knowledge of Tamriels herbs and make and sell potions til I had enough money for a carrige ride. ( plus some, it's never good to arrive somewhere broke.)
EDIT Any City I would have enjoyed living in in Tamriel is either buried under ash, or devastated by War. I would settle for Darkwater Crossing, but I would relocate if the Caldera changed too much.
People in Bliss only need to worry about Sheogorath getting Bored. My bookwormish ways will be an added bonus to life in Bliss.
Blacklight, Raven Rock, Solitude, Windhelm, and Winterhold all seem to be my cups of tea.
Imperial City, or Alinor after the Thalmor have been destroyed. That is if I can assume a specific race when going to Tamriel. If I stay as myself, Alinor city wouldn't be a very logical choice.
Alinor is something i would love to see...in the news day graphics this is, some say that only the most lucky can enter in the city...
Mournhold is pretty good lookin too
Imperial City
i can′t really choose one i wouldn′t settle if i was in Nirn i would Travel EVERYWHERE! maybe then i could settle in some town after watching everything!
Anvil or another piratey harbor that I haven't visited yet
Cyrodiil, Cheydinhal. Skyrim, Riften, Morrowind, Vivec. of course i still dont know a lot about Hammerfell or Alinor. id prolly like it in hammerfell.
Alinor Love to go into the night killing me some high elves haha.
Whiterun. Seems temperate and reasonably friendly. Or maybe one of the small towns in Cyrodiil.
Wayrest or Falinesti sounds really intriguing to me.