» Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 pm
I won't get directly into the "ZOMG Fast Travel is GOOD/EVIL!!!@!!!!!" debate, it's a neverending one that will never end (or at least won't end until TESV is out, and even then probably not) and would just derail this thread. In fact, it REALLY gets old, IMO both sides should drop it, but anyway. Having said that, I'm not against Oblivion's fast travel per-se, but something more akin to Morrowind's would be preferred. But it's not a "dealbreaker" for me, I can very much live with it being in game too. (Much like how I can actually say I enjoyed Fallout 1 & 2, yet also enjoy Fallout 3 just as much, as oppsoed to be in the "ZOMG FALLOUT 3 ROCKS/svckS!!@!!!!!" debate).
Okay, to be on topic, deeper IMO is better. A large scale to be sure, IMO it's not a TES game unless there's a sense of large scale, a sense of being able to wander in random directions just to see what can be seen. But yes, if one must have one or the other, deeper is much better. Make me feel like I met "people" in the game. Make me feel like I visited actual cities as much as possible in a game. Make the game "alive", even if the scale ends up smaller (as long again as it's not TOO small).
Edit: If we must have the game start with the PC being a prisoner, let's have a small "Fallout 3ish" sequence leading up to WHY the character is a prisoner. Was he orphaned and became a street urchin or beggar, and just locked up for a petty crime? Parents part of a Thieves' guild, or assassin's guild and the character as a child or teenager was doing just as much crime as the advlts? Raised in a bandit camp? Or even just falsely accused or just blundered into breaking an obscure law or taboo without knowing it, and just arrested more for being clueless then truly guilty of something. Anyway, some sort of background that happens, even if only for 10 or 15 minutes, before the character is and advlt and finds himself or herself in jail would be nice. WHY is the guy a criminal, what was his childhood like? That right there would add depth.