its a Scimitar with chaos and drain health.
I named My version "Wraith of Nomeg-Gwai" after a Frost Atronach from Morrowinds Vampirism Cure Quest. The Enchants when combined with Destruction Perks can one hit almost everything in the Game.
well, at least if it was on Adept, but I didn't One-hit much of anything since I always play on Master.
also, if you wear Dukaan with it, it gets even more devastating
For the unique weapon I actually do use, It's an Orcish Greatsword called "Cold Edge"
It does Frost Damage, and absorbs Magicka (I didn't really care for the enchantments, those two just looked cool together)
and the only reason it's an Orcish Greatsword, is because that's the only one that does not chop my tail off when it's on my back
I normally use a boring description à la Nordic Sword of Fire.
But a few times I let loose:
I once celebrated me getting the decapitation perk on my two-hander by crafting a nifty battleaxe with fiery soul trap that I named Guillotine. Fun times. Oh, fun times indeed. I was a one-man revolutionary mob and I was handing out punishment like it was late 18th century France.
I also had a scimitar named Curved Sword of Nonlinearity with a shock enchantment I believe. The Nords were trully shocked when facing such a weapon.
I renamed the "blades sword" to "katana" and gave it a fire enchantment. Dont like it being called blades sword :/.
I made the "Brynnfang" once, it was used by my only female character, adequately named Brynn. It's a Dragonbone sword made out of the bones of the first dragon killed in Skyrim for centuries, an ebony ingot plundered from the tomb of Olaf One-Eye from Deadman's Respite, leather fashioned from the hide of a Snowy Sabre Cat, and enchanted with Fiery Soul Trap and Drain Health (this predated Dragonborn, no Chaos damage ) with a Grand Soul Gem filled with the soul of Hevnoraak.
It's not quite a weapon but on my hoity-toit Breton mage, I made the "Gentleman's Dispute Settlers", a pair of gloves that reduced Destruction casting costs and increased unarmed damage.
Atronach's Blade is a Daedric Dagger with two absorb magicka enchants. Such a fun way to fill up a huge magicka pool.