Obviously I want to use voice chat so I figured I would ask which one is going to be the most popular one.
Obviously I want to use voice chat so I figured I would ask which one is going to be the most popular one.
Voted other for Keyboard, albeit not really voip...
Whatever the guild has. I already have all installed anyway.
TS until I get a guild, then whatever the guild uses.
Other is going to be a very popular option as long as you leave Mumble and RaidCall off of this list. I think Mumble is probably more popular than Vent.
Using keyboard to communicate in games is so mid to late 90s.
Macro hot keys with common commands/information for quick text based communication.
TeamSpeak, Vent, RaidCall and Mumble.
My friends all need to come to a consensus.
When I run in groups, I usually take it upon myself to know what I am doing and just assume others do the same. If there is any talking to be done, I usually do it before pulls.
I don't speak english well enough. I'll be listening in possibly.
It's more of an excuse so people don't make fun of my accent.
My guild (click on the signature if you want to discover more) is on mumble!
Other: I do not like the effect voice comms has on my play time.
I tend to only voluntarily use it for group PvP, as the instant feedback is necessary. I will also use it for high level raid situations when it is often a requirement to participate. Unfortunately, I like to PvP alot, so I end up using it more than I'd prefer. In that case, I'll use whatever the guild/group wants used.
Of the very few I've used, I prefer Ventrilo.
Honestly, If you know what you're doing you don't need voip.
I guess i could vote for vent, because I definitely see the benefit for raiding, and have used it for that purpose, but not for regular dungeon runs or anything. I have never been one of those "hang out in vent and shoot the poop" kind of guys.
None! I don't enjoy listening to a bunch of people yap at the gums while I'm trying to immerse myself in my gaming , i feel like some people really talk just to hear themselves talk so much on allot of those voice programs. Plus if you know what your doing like the above poster said, voices aren't needed. All in my humble opinion though, with a little salt
. I would use voice communication in wow for arenas/rbgs/pve raiding, but not for anything else, just the more serious end game stuff. Even then i just listened most of the time and said a few things here and there, not a chatty kathy like some.