» Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:37 am
It all depends on the feel of each weapon. If they really captured a truly kinetic feel for each weapon, I can't tell what I'd prefer. Like in New Vegas, I prefer Semi-auto or Bolt Action rifles (.308 Hunting, or M1Garand[This Machine]), I know that must sound like a Poor anology, but really, each weapon type, and even each weapon has a distinct feel to it, and I very much prefer the, Slow, strong, precise, type of weapon. Though oddly, I hate Sniper Rifles.
Anyway, I'd imagine that feel would be the Claymore/2Handed Sword. SO that's my pick.
Also, you forgot Battle Axes, and Daggers. Polearms and Hand to Hand hasn't been directly refuted yet either, so if we're in hypothetical land, doesn't hurt.
No Mace option either.