10mm pistol does 18 damage per shot, auto version does 14.
Pipe pistol 13 damage, auto version 10.
Without perks and mods.
It's 25%, not 50%.
10mm pistol does 18 damage per shot, auto version does 14.
Pipe pistol 13 damage, auto version 10.
Without perks and mods.
It's 25%, not 50%.
Hmm, maybe thats how it works with pistols, I admit I've only ever looked into the option on rifles since pistol damage is so terrible to start with. I would have to log into the game to get exact numbers, but my assault rifle has around 95 damage and 60 fire rate, but the auto barrel sits around 30 damage and 120 fire rate. This is with 4/5 rifleman and no commando. I've seen similar numbers with the combat rifle and combat shotgun. If you take 80% off, you are sitting around 55 damage, which is around twice what the auto reciever shows. I will poke at it tonight and get some actual numbers, but I feel like the loss is a lot more than 25% on actual usable weapons.
Ok, Assault rifle with level 4 auto mod is 34 damage and 113 rof. Lets call it 61 damage if I had commando 4 perk.
Assault rifle with level 4 semi auto mod is 93 damage with a 59 rof. Its definitely a bit over 50%, around 2/3ds. fire rate isnt quite double.
Combat rifle is 37 (adjusted to 66 for perk) at 90 fire rate, and 102 at 49 fire rate. Slightly worse ratio, but the same ballpark, and you need rarer ammo.
The shotgun is a funny duck, only losing a little damage to go auto, but actually fires faster manually than with auto, and with a 26 max fire rate, its trivial to manually click it at max speed.
the 10mm has a little more disparity, at level 3 mods, it is either 18 at 127 speed, or 31 at 69 speed, which is the worst ratio yet, but there is a level 4 auto mod that is 22 at 127, which makes it the same 2/3rds the rifles have going for them. Of course you only get to access it 10 levels later, and lets face it, if you are still using an automatic 10mm by the time you have gun nut 4, you are probably doing something odd and dont really care about 4 damage.
I still find the most effective damage from these sorts of guns comes from semi auto. clicking as fast as you can with an AR or CR gets you a lot more controllable dps and seems to do a good bit better damage against most targets, likely due to armor. Or you could just use a gause rifle and giggle at the 345 damage at 66 fire rate, if you can keep yourself in ammo for it
What is level 4? Level of gun nut perk?
I was comparing basic automatic receiver with basic semi auto receiver. That is without heavy, hardened adjectives and so on. And without any perks in riflemen, commando or pistols.