This has been on my mind. Maybe it's the survival difficulty, but the weapon balance in this game feels pretty screwy to me.
I'm rather upset with my .44 revolver and my .50 sniper rifle, both are as modded as they can ever be, but they just kind of svck. The damage doesn't feel anywhere near good enough for the massive recoil and slow fire rate they have, giving them a pretty poor dps. my rifle is a legendary one with 30% armour penetration, but it's still not really worth using much. I shouldn't need to headshot a raider 4-6 times.
I'm not too keen on assault rifles either, it annoys me that the damage takes a huge nosedive if you use an automatic reciever, does that even make sense? The fire rate is just too slow if i don't have it automatic, i'm better off spamclicking my 10mm pistol, but the damage is about 40% less as automatic which is probably worse. Either way i'm using my assault rifle more for entertainment, and i can rarely kill anything above a ghoul before it runs out of ammo.
really as far as ballistic weapons go, i've yet to find anything that can match my 10mm pistol in terms of dps, and also massive availability of ammo. I don't like energy weapons much and prefer not using them (although the laser musket is hella OP)
what's your guys thoughts?
and also, how would you fix these underpowered weapons?