You made me think Seti, is food, drink, and shelter worth putting a bullet in a child's head, because she has a minor mutation (extra toe?). I'd rather die than be that evil. Survival is good, dying with a clear conscience is better...
Its really all based on moral values. If you grew up enclave then you would be ok with killing a six toed child. All for the greater good, if their plan went as they wanted then the future of the U.S could be back to its normal society without having to worry about homicidal raiders, overly aggressive failed military experiments, and radiation in all! Over time anyway. The BoS are trying to save the majority of the population, but isnt it making it even worse for thousands more down the road? i change mine to neutral. Only becasue i would be against killing off the people in such a way. But the BoS are a bunch of self righteous bastards that arent thinking about the long run. Pretty soon down the fallout universe, America would stop flowing, food is no longer in production, or medicine. I wonder how china's doing way over where.