Oh look, Star Wars has lightsabers. I guess I can not use those.
... Now what do I use that's just as effective?
See the problem? "Magical weapons" will always be superior as well as immersive breaking. I use it or I'm at a disadvantage. I don't use the weapons, but look, they're still showing up in my face as loot. They're still in the game without a explanation, be it "scientific" or "magical".
As for infinate ammo and reloads, it's BOTH! I had a weapon that never reloaded, and never ran out of ammo. I said what I meant and I meant what I said.
And to those that don't "suffer from immersion" then good for you, you're not losing out on anything. But that doesn't mean those that like immersion (which we ALL suffer fun considering CapnCrass's last statement) should be left in the dust. I don't go saying "remove it from the game altogether". If you want it, fine. Just give it a reason to exist or make it an option or something. It's nothing more then an obvious extra that adds nothing to the game lore wise and feels out of place because of a lack of explanation or realism. doesn't have to be both, but at least make it one or the other. We're playing a game with plot and story, not Team Fortress.