Has anyone run across some light armor that blends in with the snow for an archer cat to use? I can disenchant and re-enchant it to have ranged capabilities but trying to sneak around in shiny elven armor makes me pretty easy to spot.
Has anyone run across some light armor that blends in with the snow for an archer cat to use? I can disenchant and re-enchant it to have ranged capabilities but trying to sneak around in shiny elven armor makes me pretty easy to spot.
Ancient Falmer is your best bet
Ancient Falmer Armor...maybe a bit too fancy though.
Dang, ninja'd.
Skaal fur armor is a light brown and detailed with what looks like snow frozen to it. only available if you have the Dragon Born DLC (or happen to be on a PC there is a mod/console commands to give you a set)
Otherwise for vanilla armor I can't think of anything else thats "white" that will blend in with snow.
I just have to add that creatures like bears, sabrecats, and others will likely be alerted if you even get near them.
Thanks, I haven't seen either of those so I'll look around for them. I like that there's armor that has snow in it lol.
Ancient Falmer Armor and Skaal Armor require the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC respectively.
You could go with http://images.uesp.net/2/27/DB-item-Light_Stalhrim_Armor_Female.jpg if you have the Dragonborn DLC. It's not exactly white, or very subtle for that matter, but it is made of a magical ice-like substance.
except for the fact it looks like bubbles covering quilted Pajamas
I would think fur armor would be more than sufficient to do this. It's got plenty of white in it, which should add to the camo effect.
I bet its noisy as like a box full of pots and pans falling down a mountain side.
looks almost like diamonds to me, too pretty and "blingy" for my battle worn warrior to be rocking
I remember, and I made a thread about how I wish they had brought those armors into Skyrim.
You can use the cuirasses of the guards from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:SR-npc-Dawnstar_Guard.jpg or http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:SR-npc-Winterhold_Guard.jpg.