Whiterun-Idolaf+Adrienne stuck+redguards not spawn

Post » Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:29 pm

Hey everybody,

Having some trouble in Whiterun and i wasnt sure which subforum to post it in.

-Idolaf and Adrienne are stuck standing in front of each other in front of Adriennes store. No dialogue, just standing there...

-two redguards that normally show up at the gates so far have not spawned yet.

Have tried reloading, reloading a different save, reloading save on another character then back to the one with the problem. I looked at the console commands lists but i'm not even sure which one to use. When i first came into Whiterun at level 2 i talked to Adrienne right away while she was still talking to Isoldaf. I've done this in the past before on different characters but they went with their normal routines. I dont know if i talked to Adrienne too fast this time around and maybe it caused the scripted event between Isol and Adrien to break? but how could this affect the two redguards? unless it was just because they both happen in the same area.

any suggestions?

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Steve Fallon
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Post » Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:58 pm

Did you specifically try a save before you enter Whiterun for the first time?

Maybe a mod conflict?
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:19 pm

Have you finished Dragon Rising? The Redguards won't spawn until after that.

Don't know about Adrienne and Idolaf though. Maybe check to see if they have quests running (like that scripted conversation)? Someone else will have to provide the console commands for that, I don't remember them...
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:45 am

Shadow, I dont think it is a mod this is probably my 5th time through on different characters doing the same thing up until i get the quest to go to high hrothgar. The only thing i might have done differently is that i might have talked to Adrienne too fast while she was still talking to Idolaf. I've interrupted them before but just not as fast. But i'll try disabling a few things to see what happens.

Aurora, i've gotten the quest to go to High Hrothgar already. I do all the quests in the beginning in roughly the same sequence...not just the MQ but also the side quests in the Whiterun area. Usually by this level i've already talked to the two redguards and i'm on my way to Kematu. I'm going to wait a few more levels and i may just continue on. I'm just afraid that something else might be broken later on. I doubt it though...when i exited the bannered mare Idolaf and his father were talking to the old lady from the grey manes just like they always do. So i guess it looks like one broken scripted event doesnt mean they are all broken.

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barbara belmonte
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