I'm not crushed that they're gone, but I'm definitely looking forward to the mod that brings them back. :celebrate:
Are they gone though?
They said everything is basically still in the game, they just moved em' around, was this included in that? (ie, like, no more intelligence, because you can directly increase magicka, etc,.)
I'm hoping they somehow still exist, otherwise every character will always be the same, right? Why should my speedy mage, move just like your lumbering Nord warrior, etc,.
(This was a big tactic I used in MW, my mages couldn't fight head on very well, so I would jump straight up like 500+ feet, and bombard the area with massive spells, or use speed buffs to shoot across the screen, cast an attack, then run somewhere else, to keep distance between me and warriors, etc,. Lot's of tactics for surviving would be lost, especially if they don't bring back levitation, jump, slowfall, etc,. I would prefer better AI to account for this, than just removing it, like, there, all balanced, ala Oblivion.)
Besides, I don't think it's unfair to levitate above warriors and take em' out via spells, that's realistic, if a warrior took on a mage, who can fly, that's pretty much how it would go down. That's why mages are so powerful, that's the point, as well. (So I'd rather see em' try to use bows to shoot me down, etc,. Or simply realizing they're outclassed and fleeing, etc,. I'd let em' live, mostly..)