i recently took mjoll as my companion but i can't go 5 - 10 minutes without her telling me her life story or telling me how she likes the cold!!
i recently took mjoll as my companion but i can't go 5 - 10 minutes without her telling me her life story or telling me how she likes the cold!!
Nope - I've never had issues with her loquacity.
it's annoying when i'm trying to listen to another npc (whom i'm talking to).
i'm not new to skyrim i just recently accepted mjoll as my companion.
It depends on your outlook. If you want a meat shield and pack mule who is quiet then Lydia or Argis is more your type.
Personally I like companions who talk a bit since my characters like 'company' on the road. And TBH while she does get monotonous I think I end up tuning her out after a while. She's one of the toughest followers though and good for a laugh or two on the road. If you want to talk to someone uninterrupted I would suggest having her wait while you approach the conversation.
This is an essential mod for the game
There are some that reduce the companion barking. In fact one of the last patches made the followers talk less often and use dialog they were not before.
I have played Skyrim so much that I have heard it all many, many times....over and over again. It's shameful that you can't just TAB through it all, like in DAO.
You should play the Fallout New Vegas DLC, then you will truly understand the meaning of companions that never shut up.
That mod CCNA mentioned actually saved lots of NPC from brutal death including mjoll
I love the sound of her voice and her accent, but agree to a point. Not that she talks too much, but that there's not enough dialog to keep things mixed up.
I don't mind her speech in principle, but the way she just repeats the same three lines over and over again is annoying. If she cycled her lines more I wouldn't mind.
All companions rattle on about one thing or another. I actually like having Mjoll around compared to other followers, shes got a positive outlook on things.
You, sir, do not lie.
But in reality, yes she does talk too much. However, she is by the far the best warrior companion I have found. On my level 81 character, on master difficulty, she actually put up a fight. She was equipped with full ebony, so that might've helped her our a bit. XP