Indeed. He had Ulfric. He could have spared me to find out since he had the cash cow. If he really had suspicions that I was a stormcloak or a spy, he could have arrested me and interrogated me to find out.
Indeed. He had Ulfric. He could have spared me to find out since he had the cash cow. If he really had suspicions that I was a stormcloak or a spy, he could have arrested me and interrogated me to find out.
I love your sig. Rather appropriate for butter scotch elves.
Counter-point to you Power-hungry rebuttal: Maybe he's making that speech for his court, and not the Dragonborn? Real-world politicians do it. Prime example is any time any politician holds a rally.
Almost everyone who shows up would already vote for the candidate, unless the candidate said something along the lines of "I like to eat babies." Even then, a good chunk would likely take it as a joke.
The point is, politicians like to make speeches. They will make speeches to people who already support them, if for no other reason than because it's expected of them. You pointed out that Ulfric knows how to play politics; so why wouldn't he use speeches to simply secure faith of his own supporters?
Also note that there was a horse-theif on the cart with you. It could be assumed that he thought the DB was a criminal, not a Stormcloak, who was rounded up at the same time as Ulfric. Hence, why he didn't question it.
To the first point, no. The court is empty for one and he walks to a room with only the two and another officer, plus what would be the point of a speech to people already firmly dedicated to the cause? Seems very very unnecessary and unlikely to me.
To the second part, then Lokir wouldn't be shouting "No! I'm not a rebel!" If that were the case.
Probably knew it was fruitless. Look at what they did to Lokir. I dont think the list had anything to do with being a thief. Ralof was on the list too, and Lokir was focused on telling them he wasn't a rebel. I'm pretty sure that means thats why he and you were being executed.