i see yall continued the party without me
It was more of an academic social gathering of intellectuals discussing the implications of mythopoeia and whether or not the Sermons need to be true, both literally and spiritually, in order to be important to the fabric of existence and the past and future of Morrowind.
Not that you'd understand. Did you bring whiskey, by chance?
EDIT: In retrospect, I totally focused on the overly cruel sarcasm (sorry ace, it's all in good fun) and forgot to make my post.
I've always thought that the Sermons, and therefore Vehk's claimed deeds within them, don't need to be true because, through his apotheosis, Vehk fundamentally changed the mythic fabric of the universe so that, at least mythopoeically, they DID happen and DID leave ramifications of some sort. See his comments on the matter in the Trial of Vivec.
In other words, in the current timeline (if you want to call it that, although it's a crude term), Vivec really WAS the sun of a netchman's wife and a dreugh or whatever such nonsense and did do all the miraculous deeds attributed to him because he was ALWAYS a god. However, time has not always been like that, and there was once a previous existence that is no more (but may be once again) where he was but a poet of great ambition who betrayed his friend's trust and killed him in the pursuit of power.