I guess they take thier goal of extermination really seriously.
Maybe only play the game when your sleep deprived or really drunk? That would make it harder, probably.
same here they get own every time they show up
I actually love it, it shows the Brotherhood aren't messing around and they get the job done. In my game they always crash and i hate it because storywise they are suppose to be tough and are at war with the institute so they should not die to raiders and super mutants so easily. I wish i had your pro brotherhood vertibirds in my game lol, i know i'll get less xp but theres plenty of ways to get xp like from other locations, quests, indoors etc.
When ever I see BoS vertibirds engaging enemies, I run the other way so I don't get falling vertibirds in my head..
Every battle I've seen so far ends with crashing vertibirds.
Pretty sure vertiberds are static level, so the higher level you get, the more often you will see them crash, as mobs scale a bit.
Qft,mine show up and go down in flames shortly after,bloody miracle if they get more than 5 seconds flight time.
The only time I hate the BoS showing up is when the pilot, about to lose their life, says to themselves, "Oh, look. There's an idiot walking about with a dog. If I'm going, I'm not going alone!" and literally aims the damn vertibird at me and Dogmeat.
Pretty much decided the BoS' fate with that move.
They've taken out a few enemies along my way, but I don't mind. Usually, who they take out weren't my targets, just some random nothings I would have shot up anyway (had they shot at me first).
Eventually, I'll get back to the main quest, but the BoS isn't a priority to me. But if one more vertibird is aimed at me again, all bets are off. I'll shoot the things out of the sky myself.
The Minutemen HATE the BoS. I was just about to take back the Castle, right then a Vertibird showed up. Preston and the gang literally ignored the mirelurks and brought that 'Bird down. I was like "Whoa! Why?! Those were the good guys!". But now as I get further into story, I realize I can't stand the current incarnation of BoS. I kill them on sight.
Lmoooo really the BoS pilot said that line and than crashes into you? WTF wat a [censored] lol. Good thing i don't use dogmeat as my companion.
I've never really had an issue quite this severe. There have been some times that they've come out of nowhere when I'm in the middle of a fight and helped out a bit. I've encountered them already in a fight more often though.
I haven't actually joined the BoS or done any of the BoS quest line yet, so joining or not joining isn't a factor here. I don't think they start appearing around the world though until after you
Yeah, one of these days some bright scribe is going to realize that protecting the pilot with bullet proof glass might result in the occasional vertibird actually making it back to base.
I sided with the BoS with my first play through, after finishing the main quest I regretted it. This is why I promptly started a new play through where I sided with the Institute. After I took out the BoS I've seen 2 or 3 Virtibirds who've all been flown by Gunners.
LOL right after the bad year blimp showed up the streets in the downtown area are littered & I do mean littered with crashed vertibird's haven't seen one yet complete a successful sortie
I found out that if I attack the vertibird itself but not the pilot or the guy who fire the minigun, then the brotherhood will be totally ok with that, lol.
Not a bad solution.
Huh, so that's what that was. I was at the Water Plant and sniping all the Super Mutants from a distance. When I'd killed them all and moved in, a Vertibird swooped in, dropped a deployable vehicle and a bunch of BoS soldiers jumped out. I was still too far away to see what they were doing, but when the Bird took off it left the vehicle behind and all the brothers were gone. I didn't see them get back in either the Bird or the vehicle, so no idea where they went. But there was nothing there for them to kill =)
you've seen them drop off vehicles? thats new to me... could you drive it?
I've never seen them drop off a vehicle, but they could have done a normal drop at a spot that just happened to have one there already.