I thought it was cool the first few times the BoS swooped down and attacked the target I was sneaking up on (I stealth everywhere, at night). The BoS loot after they frequently get their arses handed to them was kinda nice. Or if they cleaned out the raider scum in the area, I'd follow along and loot things up. But it is happening so often now, it's gotten pretty boring/annoying. It's like the game has two parts- the first part, where you play each area the way you want, and get to be the star... and the second part, where the BoS always busts in and messes things up first, and you end up being a glorified loot janitor. I think if the roving vertiberd assaults happened about 75% less frequently, it would be a tad more tolerable. Just seems way overdone, at this point in time. Hopefully they'll patch it to be less frequent eventually. Or a mod... kthxbai!