Who came up with the brilliant idea that the Brotherhood of Steel fly around and kill every [censored] raider/mutant in the commonwealth???
I mean, wtf?
I went to some raider camp, and the BoS just showed up and killed everyone before I did. and I got zero XP. Okay.
I went to the Trinity Tower. They also came, with two freaking vertibirds, already shooting every super mutant they could find on the top floor, before I entered the freaking building.
Then I arrived the top floor. And guess what, 'Fist' have already gone, no more boss fight, Bethesda have taken care of him, FOR ME. It just totally pissed me off.
So from now on, every time I want to explore some place, should I just go there, and watch the brotherhood takes care of every enemy and spoils all the fun from defeating the enemies?
Is that what you want?!
Thanks for ruin my game experience, Bethesda.
Me: "I want to kill some raiders."
Bethesda: "Oh, let the Brotherhood take care of it."
Me: "I want to fight a boss."
Bethesda: "Oh, let the Brotherhood take care of it."
I found out that if I attack the vertibird itself but not the pilot or the guy who fire the minigun, the brotherhood will be totally ok with that, lol.
(also, please forgive my poor English.)