» Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:22 pm
I find it strange that none of the countries which are supposedly the biggest markets for video games made the top ten. I'm thinking of the United States, Germany and Japan, but I only know this from memory and I'm not sure which other countries are equally big for video games.
So... I don't know, I think those statistics might be flawed. It would be good to know what kind of numbers we're talking about here anyway, what does Search Volume Index mean, and is there a Coefficient of Determination feature?
Might also be more interesting to actually take totals instead of percentages. I mean, we're comparing a 300 million people country (USA) with a 5 million people country (Denmark), and Denmark wins.
Even better would be statistics that take into account the number of people who can actually afford internet and/or video games, which should be a higher percentage in European countries as well (you know, because of health care and social stuff like that).
Edit: I'm obviously blind and missed the United States on rank 9 there. So... replace Denmark and its population with Norway and its population, but the point still stands, it's strange that the countries most interested in video games are comparatively low in the ranking.