I got Aela to follow me. Then I married her. Then she walked out of the church and I haven't seen her since. Granted I haven't looked very hard to find her. I get distracted in this game -very- easily.
I love this...trying to picture the conversation...
Friend: Where's your wife?
Zaheve: Wife?
Friend: Yeah. Your wife. You got married, right?
Zaheve. Oh THAT wife. Yeah. I did get married, now that you mention it. Hmm. I dunno where she is.
Friend: What do you mean you don't know where she is?
Zaheve: I dunno. I mean, there was this ceremony or something, and she walked out the door right after, and I haven't seen her since.
Friend: And you didn't go look for her?
Zaheve: Look for who?
Friend: Your WIFE!
Zaheve: What wife? Look, I don't know who you are or what you're talking about, but you're standing in the way of me catching that butterfly...