So, who's disappointed with how Bethesda will handle DLC?

Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:20 pm

I'm not surprised by it, but I would prefer something like Bloodmoon or SI.

I hope we'll at least get something like Point Lookout, which I loved.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:09 am

I think small pieces of armor and/or quests is not enough for such a big world like Tes. I would like big expansions in the old fashion of Morrowind and SI, even if that requires more development time and higher price.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 3:29 am

Where's the option to vote for "I don't care, I don't ever buy DLCs"?
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 1:44 am

Where's the option to vote for "I don't care, I don't ever buy DLCs"?

Not even Shivering Isles? But it was SOOO good!
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 1:24 am

Even if it takes a year how long as it been since they started working on Skyrim. It's been 5 years, don't tell me that this group can't do an Expansion pack. Why should Beth try to lower themselves to Bioware's level, Rockstar's level, Activisons Level, EA's Level etc.

Why do you include Rockstar in that category? I think they are making great, substantial expansions for their games (The Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony, Undead Nightmare...) :shrug:
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 3:06 am

Anyone think that if we make enough of a ruckass they might reconsider? I mean surely they can see that by far the vast majority has no qualms about waiting a year or even a bit longer for a huge, fully fledged expansion with wondrous new places to explore and quests to do, items to find and NPCs to meet, as opposed to tons of tiny little things which barely create any new gameplay at all and cost a bundle each.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 12:15 am

That is a very good point.

I guess they just don't like having to make their good employees have to split time between two tasks.

EDIT: On a side-note, I am not against them releasing expansions at all. I would love for one. Just making that clear.

this dosent make sense..the reason that they havent released a game since fallout 3 is because the have been developing skyrim..hunted..rage...and brink all at the same time and they are all god employees because you dont hire ok employees... they are a smaller developing company that makes bank because of the quality of there games..they are all good employees.. and enough with this stuff about how they are going to focus on somthing else when skyrim is released..they made four game at once im sure they can make a couple expansions and smaller DLC's as well as another game
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 3:43 am

This isnt Fallout is Fallout.......

This is Bethesda using descisions made in their romp with Fallout to go over in TES, and even before FO3, Oblivion was showing signs of slowing down with regards to this. what kind of explanation is, It took to long? who gives a crap, when did with Time comes Quality stop being true? we waited 5 years for Skyrim and more or less everyone is expecting to deck the halls whats more wait for something assuringly awesome? the DLC a month or 3 months showed how the quality was sagging when they tried that with FO3, bugs, inconsistencies and incompatabilities with mods abound.

Whats the problem taking a little time to create something earth shattering? they didn't Rush Skyrim so why would they DLC's? scrap this DLC stupidity and roll out some quality Expansion packs already.

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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:43 am

I didn't buy the small DLC's for Oblivion. I bought, played and enjoyed Tribunal, Bloodmoon and Shivering Isles. I hope Bethesda will consider doing extensive expansions again, as far as I am concerned the small DLCs such as horse armor or a dungeon that gives a new sword are not worth the money. When I buy expansions I'm looking for new lands and new stories.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:22 am

I'll miss my expansion. :(

If they put enough work into DLC, they might be nice. And who am I kidding, I already know I'll buy them all.
But if they don't add anything a modder couldn't I'll be really disappointed.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:45 am

[me not buying DLCs]

Not even Shivering Isles? But it was SOOO good!

No, not even SI. I'm not supporting the DLC business model and I'm sticking to my decisions.
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 12:45 pm

With the exception of Knights of the Nine, I am fairly sure ALL of Oblivion's DLCs were shorter then those of fallout 3s. Shivering Isles is an expansion so I won't call that a DLC while it is indeed download-able. Oblivion's DLCs didn't svck, but they really light on the content, I'd rather have another DLC like Fallout 3's "The Pit" then have another Dunbarrow Cove. I prefer the larger DLCs because they actually do involve you a bit more, unlike the DLCs of Oblivion what with the exception of Knights of the Nine were mainly just too short and easy to get through. All that said, I'd prefer to have a proper expansion, and one with more content then Shivering Isles. Of course a mixture of several DLCs and an Expansion like Oblivion had is fine, but only so long as the content offered is really worth it's value what I don't think it was for Oblivion...

I say all this because, sure Shivering Isles added an entire realm but I can't help feeling we were a bit ripped off on that one, I just feel the content was a bit light for what we paid... what we got was essentially just 6 small villages, 1 city and 1 major quest line. It added to the story line but there could have been far more content in there then there actually was. Then again I think we get a little ripped off on value for money in the expansions and DLCs for the vast majority of games but this really isn't that much of an excuse, more so when you consider the main game had so much content, 5 major story lines (6 if you include Arena), 8 major cities (9 if you include Kvatch) and many small villages and pubs dotted around the place. The main game would have required all the scripting and programming of the game engine within the Gamesbro Engine as well as making all the character generators as such. Shivering Isles cost what, half what oblivion did at release? Sure, I don't doubt Shivering Isles still needed a lot of work, I just don't consider that it'd have needed ANYWHERE as much work as the main game, and yet the main game had what, 5~6 times the content if not more? Expansions and DLCs should offer MORE content for the sale price, not less, with the game engine in place and a lot of tools already in place, it should be easier to create more for the buck value then the main game but instead we seem to end out paying more bucks for relatively less content, that's what I'd like to see an end too.

So overall I would love both DLCs and Expansions, but I want them to also add a good level of content, rather then JUST a cave full of skeletons or JUST a wizard's tower with nothing going on, or even JUST a vampire lair.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 3:06 pm

Disappointed is a bit of a stretch for me, as I couldn't care less about the smaller DLC. I do think expansions like BM, SI, and the Tribunal should be more common though. I want to know more about Tamriel's geography and lore, particularly more about Daedric Princes. (Sheogorath is probably my least favorite, right down there with Sanguine.)
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 2:38 pm

With the exception of Knights of the Nine, I am fairly sure ALL of Oblivion's DLCs were shorter then those of fallout 3s. Shivering Isles is an expansion so I won't call that a DLC while it is indeed download-able. Oblivion's DLCs didn't svck, but they really light on the content, I'd rather have another DLC like Fallout 3's "The Pit" then have another Dunbarrow Cove. I prefer the larger DLCs because they actually do involve you a bit more, unlike the DLCs of Oblivion what with the exception of Knights of the Nine were mainly just too short and easy to get through. All that said, I'd prefer to have a proper expansion, and one with more content then Shivering Isles. Of course a mixture of several DLCs and an Expansion like Oblivion had is fine, but only so long as the content offered is really worth it's value what I don't think it was for Oblivion...

I say all this because, sure Shivering Isles added an entire realm but I can't help feeling we were a bit ripped off on that one, I just feel the content was a bit light for what we paid... what we got was essentially just 6 small villages, 1 city and 1 major quest line. It added to the story line but there could have been far more content in there then there actually was. Then again I think we get a little ripped off on value for money in the expansions and DLCs for the vast majority of games but this really isn't that much of an excuse, more so when you consider the main game had so much content, 5 major story lines (6 if you include Arena), 8 major cities (9 if you include Kvatch) and many small villages and pubs dotted around the place. The main game would have required all the scripting and programming of the game engine within the Gamesbro Engine as well as making all the character generators as such. Shivering Isles cost what, half what oblivion did at release? Sure, I don't doubt Shivering Isles still needed a lot of work, I just don't consider that it'd have needed ANYWHERE as much work as the main game, and yet the main game had what, 5~6 times the content if not more? Expansions and DLCs should offer MORE content for the sale price, not less, with the game engine in place and a lot of tools already in place, it should be easier to create more for the buck value then the main game but instead we seem to end out paying more bucks for relatively less content, that's what I'd like to see an end too.

So overall I would love both DLCs and Expansions, but I want them to also add a good level of content, rather then JUST a cave full of skeletons or JUST a wizard's tower with nothing going on, or even JUST a vampire lair.

Still. Shivering isles was much better value than the other DLC. I found it an awesome world even though even more stuff would have been nice (I kept searching for Mania and Dementia solo cities). I found the smaller DLC pretty boring TBH. The wizards tower looked like a mod, it looked so out of place in the world.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:07 am

I dunno on this one...I'm really gonna have to wait and see. I mean, I was hopeful for a big expansion but if there are two or three DLC's like Point Lookout and they are well done I'm not gonna scoff at that.
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jadie kell
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:42 am

Not Something a Modder can do in a week that I can download for free.

A week? :rofl:
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Wayne W
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 1:26 am

I can't really vote in this poll because of the bias added in the comments. shouldn't it just be yes, no, maybe?

my answer would be no. there are a few reasons why, one being that I actually liked the way DLC functioned with Fallout 3 for a number of reasons. Another would be because I'm unsure I can really determine if I hate it or not based solely on how it has been in other games, we don't know it will be exactly the same. Another reason is because I just might not care what they do if the game is really frakking good. I call this the 'bleed your customer for money' to 'game quality' ratio. If your game is really good, there is a certain amount of leeway you are afforded (of course the general quality of the DLC has to be par as well).
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 1:18 pm

Still. Shivering isles was much better value than the other DLC. I found it an awesome world even though even more stuff would have been nice (I kept searching for Mania and Dementia solo cities). I found the smaller DLC pretty boring TBH. The wizards tower looked like a mod, it looked so out of place in the world.

Shivering Isles was indeed better value then other Oblivion DLC, but the fallout 3 style DLC was probably nearer to almost challenge Shivering Isles on that count, maybe not right there, but it was fairly close. Yeah, the three house DLCs that I mentioned above really did just feel like mods, not really deserving of being proper DLC by themselves. Mehrunes Razor was more DLC like but it was just a slightly longer dungeon with a different setting in the end, I found operation anchorage a better DLC then Mehrunes Razor and I think The Pitt was probably in the end just about on par with the Knights of the nine tho The Pitt added more physical world then Knights of the Nine did from what I remember of the two... I think if I had to choose between them, I'd still go for The Pitt.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 5:27 am

If we get some things like The Pitt and Point Lookout I'll be pretty happy. Compared to the crappy DLC other companies push out for the same money those were some pretty great DLC's. Sure I'd like to see a full fledged expansion pack as well but I am not "disappointed" at all hearing they are aiming for FO:3 sized DLC.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 4:27 am

As long as they are of good quality and decently priced (cough:horsearmor:cough) then I don't see a problem.
it's not like you HAVE to buy them anyways.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:09 am

I don't buy downloads for Skyrim, or any other game. I think cutting game content to sell it later is an unfair business model and I blame whoever had this idea in the first place, now I see it's very popular in the industry. I'm only willing to buy serious retail box expansions such as Bloodmoon or Shivering Isles.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 7:55 am

Shivering Isles was my favorite DLC but I would'nt mind if Skyrim had Knights of the Nine size DLC's.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 5:42 am

I don't buy downloads for Skyrim, or any other game. I think cutting game content to sell it later is an unfair business model and I blame whoever had this idea in the first place, now I see it's very popular in the industry. I'm only willing to buy serious retail box expansions such as Bloodmoon or Shivering Isles.

Except that they didn't cut those content to sell later in Oblivion or Fallout.

Following this logic, they cut out even more for Bloodmoon and Shivering Isles....
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:16 am

I honestly prefer to wait until the game of the year edition is out that includes the game and all the small dlcs. I found the Fallout 3 with all dlcs last week and I paid half than if I bought them all separately. I'd like a big expansion though, Shivering Isle was great in content and atmosphere.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:25 am

It takes 5 and a half years to make this game, Beth don't tell me that your employees can't spend another year doing an expansion for a game that I would bet every employee there is probably going to play when it comes out. The excuse that we could use those employees doing other stuff is a pathetic one at that. Knights of the Nine and Mehrunes Razor were the only DLC's that were good for Oblivion and both of those pale in comparasion to Shivering Isles but hey Money Talks. :banghead:
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