Hi everyone - new to the forums so hello and extremely stoked for Skrim.
Personally I'm more than happy with the DLC approach. Having played all the Fallout DLC I personally thought it gave an excellent amount of additional gameplay. Point Lookout for example was definitely a more interesting add on than KOTN.
I didn't think all the Fallout DLC was great BUT the amount of content wasn't the issue. I'd definitely like Bethesda to look at making sure the DLC is better integrated into the overall feel of the world but we didn't end up with Aliens in Fallourt because the content was DLC
I'd also argue that DLC gives a company the option to be a bit more flexible - you could imagine a DLC package of the best mods. Expansion packs are fine and I thought Bloodmoon and Shivering Isles were great but there's no reason why you couldn't deliver something as interesting through DLC.
I'll also just add that the wording of the poll isn't ideal in terms of getting a good discussion going.