Who Dislikes the Classic Mode? Seems many players do

Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:52 am

A lot of players like this mode for a reason.
Maybe because they couldn't master the nanosuit, so the failed to "Be the weapon"?
Maybe because they couldn't "Adapt", so they had to "Perish"?
Maybe because they couldn't notice the line "Be invisible" which is printeded all over the game, so they were expecting another CoD alike?

See the nanosuit is the centerpiece of the whole Crysis universe. So when you take alway the nanosuit, then it's just not Crysis anymore.
And if you do like to play as a good old fashioned hardcoe soldier, I strongly suggest you go with true hardcoe games like OFP and ArmA serials, instead of the likes of CoD.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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