I miss my hand-loaded ammo! But with all the junk items now, the items from the ammo you break down would add to the clutter! So, I'm ok that the reloading benches are not in the game.
no really. I mean it was fun but i always have like 4 type of the same ammo and changing it middle combat feel weird. Plus buying new ammo never is a problem on this game
Yup, count me in. But as long as ammo is as plentiful as it is in the Wasteland, there's no real need for it. I'd like to see ammo be more sparse and then be able to craft it myself. There will be a mod for that.
You'd think it would be something else to innovate on considering how much work was put into crafting this time around.
It's kind of like traits and a lot of good aspects about the Fallout games that simply added to them. Removed for whatever mysterious reason. Oh well. Bethesda.
I'd like it as a new feature. Modding weaponry and armor without being able to make bullets sounds to mke a little awkward.
I look forward to the inevitable comprehensive re-work of the entire firearm system. They will reduce ammo abundance, introduce new weapons that use different types of ammo, and add reloading benches. As someone who is fairly knowledgeable about firearms it's funny that they include some calibers of ammo which aren't really that common. It's not that there aren't guns chambered for 10mm and 5mm, but 9mm and .22 are vastly more common. The Winchester.308 and 12 gauge make a lot of sense because they're hugely popular hunting loads.
12GA shells, however, vary widely in deadliness. Some pellet sizes are really meant for small game like pheasants and rabbits--sure they'll kill a person at short range, but at any kidn of range they're pretty useless. Whereas other are far more lethal to large targets. If you're going to fight armored individuals you best not be loading your gun with fine shot. You're much better off loading 00buck or a slug.
I understand the devs are not going to do this on their own. They have a lot of fish to fry all at the same time developing the game. This a great area for modders to swoop in and really fill in the blanks and augment the system to be perfect for people who like to role-play the survivalist type at a deeper level.
I miss it but I am glass it was removed. It essentially meant you never had to buy ammo again because you could jsut breakdown all the ammo types you didn't use and construct what you did use.
I'm okay with the game being released without it. I do like eventually having it though because really, in a world of bleak survival, it would make a lot of sense that people would be relying on hand loading rather than buying ammo from traders.
together with with a NV style survival mode it would render a deeper gameplay.
Part of me understands. I get that this is a waste land and resources should be scarce.
But the other part of me wonder's, If I can craft all this stuff, why can't I craft ammo!?
I liked being able to get rid of .38, because seriously, who uses that? I'm all about the 5.56 and 10mm. Those are the only weapons I really used in FO3.
Eh, not really. It was kind of clunky with the disassembly/reassembly & having to manage all those boxes & bottles of bits from vendors. Didn't really use it much.
Actually, I suspect that the extensive crafting system (including settlements) is part of why they didn't include it. There's already so much damn crafting in the game, that adding yet another fiddly system alongside it could easily verge on Too Much.
(Plus the need for an ammo-switching command. Which would probably annoy people since it would be the same key as half a dozen other things, like we already have melee attack/throw grenade/power attack on Alt, plus all the things E and R are used for....)
I don't really care, most of the alternate ammo types in NV were placebos since the DT armor system in NV was so broken you could get twice the armor rating with absolutely zero reduction in damage from 2/3rds of the weapons in the game, ths getting armor that slightly broke through armor didn't mean anything.
Would it have been nice to have them? Sure.
Am I upset they are gone? Not really.
Oh definitely. It annoys me that they only weapons I can chamber to be armor piercing are automatic. If I want armor piercing on my rifle I need a perk and good luck with your pistol
I dislike New Vegas's bullet crafting myself simply because of getting empty shells in my inventory was annoying. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind having it but don't care enough for it.
The only pistol that should have armor piercing should be the .44, in my honest opinion, and that is only possible as random legendary loot. (One of the random legendary effects is about armor piercing, if I remember correctly).
Those legendary effects are overall intriguing and hilarious.
Ammo crafting was merely one of the things I miss from NV.....the companion wheel is another. It's kind of sad how little they used from NV in FO4...they had some really good ideas.