-People randomly become hostile toward ED-E in multiple locations across the map. (Especially Primm)
-Crashes about every 2 hours
-Ants have problems climbing hills. They will flip around then finally straighten out over about 10 seconds. I have seen this at least 5 times.
-Invulnerable NPCs. Geckos twice and one radscorpion. Bullets go straight through but they won't attack you either.
-Bullets will go straight through opponents at times. I tested this one drastically, once sneaking with a stealth boy up behind a nightkin (less than 5 feet, no crippled limbs, zoomed shot from crouch position) and firing a hunting rifle into his back, only to have him turn around and smack my face. Yes, he received no damage.
-Companions "destroy" certain items. Give Bonne his beret he gave you and watch it disappear (Maybe only if he is wearing his?). Give ED-E almost any faction specific armor, it will disappear.-Not sure if this is a bug, but I can't get Boone to become hostile towards me unless I get a poor rep with the NCR and then tell him he'd be better off dead. I will shoot him relentlessly and he will just stand there and take it.
-Certain unique weapons can have mods attached. Their model is them screwed up (I think because they don't have a model for the gun with a silencer or sight) and turns into a massive red box with an exclamation mark in the center.
Okay, that's more than a few, but you get the point. If you want me to add more I can.
The companions dont destroy the armour. If you give them faction specific armour they will just drop it on the ground, you will get a message saying that they cant wear faction specific armour. I think its a bug in the programing seein as how you want them to keep the armour, not wear it. Try it again, you will see they just drop the armour on the ground right next to them. It is a bug, but not in the sense that you described.