Anyone else think that people are exaggerating, or even flat out making up all these stories of bugs and glitches just to have something to whine about? Not a single person I've actually talked to in real life has had any problems whatsoever with the game. The only people i've seen claim it was a buggy piece of trash are forum warriors.
My xbox was on for 20 hours straight playing the game and I encountered one single glitch the whole time which was to be expected when leaving the console on that long and is not an issue with the game.
The other thing I noticed is almost every one of the whiners bought the game of steam....well what do you expect when you buy a game from a distributor that hacks up the code and rearranges the file structure to make a piece of software proprietary to their client. This isn't the fault of the developer, it's your fault for not buying from a distributor that gives you the game in the state it was originally programmed.
Dear Skullkandy,
Thank you for creating a brand new account on these lovely forums to post how everyone here is lying or making up stuff. However, I must disappoint you in that there is no 'major conspiracy' going on as you seem to be freaking out about.
I have been here for a while, since a little after Fallout 3, helping out users here and there and mostly active on the fanfiction/roleplaying threads, yet never really finding myself having to voice my opinion about a game issue before. This thread declares that I must, as I have experience major bugs throughout the game since the "patch," and I am on the Xbox 360 as well.
So far my bugs have been...
- Dozens of texture issues (minor complaint)
- A few cases of npcs / plot critical NPCS / companions being stuck through the ground / walls (minor complaint)
- Three cases of myself being stuck in the ground / walls (minor complaint)
- Game "lags" in Black Mountain, then crashes near the top, multiple times in a row (complaint)
- Two cases of my game just randomly locks up during a load and erases my save (major complaint)
As you can see, these are not "to be expected." Textures, lag, and even an occasional stuck NPC is fine by me, but when the game absolutely prevents me from being able to enter certain areas or face a crash, then we have a problem. Same with it every hour or so locking up and forcing a restart that has sometimes made a corrupt file. And before you begin to call conspiracy as well on to me, I have been playing many new games recently without a hitch, and sometimes pop on a new game in between Fallout NV as "breaks" and never get an issue. This game is no "a-okay," my friend. I love Fallout, I love the people who make it, and I absolutely love the story behind it. But this is inexcusable. I refuse to even advance my game from time to time due to this horribly buggy game.
Before people cry foul, I still love the game, and am willing to give Obsiden time to fix their new creation, but my patience wears thin with such blatant, game-breaking errors that plague many, and even more annoying, a community so blinded by devotion to ignore a critical issue with the game. Wake up, my friends. This is not a time to assault one another on the forums, but to provide data and accurate (and not claiming everyone's "making up" stuff just because you don't see it) accounts that allow the developers to fix the game appropriately and in a timely fashion.
Thank you for your time in reading this post. You may have your soapbox back now.
Sergeant Gutsy
EDIT: Hm, some quotes are ineffective after post-reading. Removed and corrected.