I really want to get off this website, but I can't. I have nothing else to do. It frustrates me when I see a new GI update and I watch it. I don't want to, but I do.
I also wish that I didn't see anything in spoiler tags about the beginning of the game. :brokencomputer:
same here, I dont even click spoiler tags. And to everyone calling me out on not liking New Vegas, I opverhyped myself. I thought that it was going to be a completely new game, whereas it looked like a brighter Fallout 3 with a few more shiny features. Yes its a good game, but after all the hype it was a let down. That is why im trying not to get into the hype for Skyrim, I know it'll be amazing, but I don't want to get my standards screwed up like all the hype I got into did for Vegas.
All the new features? Thats what a quick skim of the manual all games come with is for. If I learn it at last minute it'll be "Oh, thats cool, lets see how it works." but if I learned it today, or a month before release, I would end up picturing a million differant things, and when it finally came out it would'nt be what I was expecting. When I first found Oblivion and Fallout 3 (I originally borrowed them from a friend) I put in so much time exploring the worlds, drowning myself in their questlines and crapping myself at the various features. (First behemoth without knowing what to expect? Hahaha that was amazing.) When I finally bought my own copies, and all of the DLC available for them, I had done everything I could think of in the games. But I continued to play them. When I heard of New vegas, I basically pitched my tent and camped out on the forums, snatching up all the news I could find like a starving madman. I was excited that I would be getting an all new experience in the Fallout universe. When I finally started to play it, all I could think was "this is'nt as fun as I had hoped. :/" but I continued playing it. After restarting several times due to save corruption, game breaking glitches and other bugs that Obsidian seemed to pretend didnt exist at the time, I had grown bored with the game. After completing it one time, I could'nt bring myself to replay it. It just didn't appeal to me like I had hoped it would, and whilst i'm sure Obsidian has fixed the game up a good bit, I don't see myself replaying it again for a while.