Thanks! I'm sure Whas'er name thanks you too...
I guess I've got about 40 hours into this game, and half the time I don't know what I'm doing.
Thanks! I'm sure Whas'er name thanks you too...
I guess I've got about 40 hours into this game, and half the time I don't know what I'm doing.
Still using Red Rocket myself, and haven't done much to really make it look settled in when it comes to building anything. Haven't really touched the settlement feature in general besides help building Sanctuary for Garvey's group. I'm personally growing rather tired of the place since its located at the very corner of the map which gets annoying to go back to when you're not fast traveling. And even when fast traveling it just drains away the daylight I prefer traversing in. Need a more central location.
sounds like you need to shoot for the only player house in the game in diamond city then. That'a a lot more central location wise to the map.
I think you have to setup a trade route to get access to materials in another settlement.
Red Rocket is my personal space.
Built a junk wall around it and two heavy machinegun turrets guard the gate. Made temporary stairs up to the roof where I've nicely added 3 wind generators side by side. Powered up the house and have a pylon down on the ground in case I need to power up something. Also, Dogmeat and Codsworth are there too.
Reused the building. Moved around all the workbenches so they're actually indoors but replacaed the cooking station with the one that looks like an oven. The inner room is my bedroom, the garage my workshop and the rest pretty much a common area combining living room and kitchen. Spent time decorating the area a lot, but all the small objects tent do fall through furnituer and dissapear. Cleaned up the place and only kept the bigger decorations that stay (Furniture, storages, lamps, wallsigns etc)
Ended up quite cozy =)
I set up sanctuary as my main base, and set up red rocket as a satellite outpost.
I plan on making red rocket so there's two guys doing plants and everyone else is running supply routes.
Nope.. I immediately built a nice house in Sanctuary.. and then when I finally met Preston and they said they were going to Sanctuary I was like "Waahh? That's my home.. you stay away!" So they came in and trod all over my nice house. So I put a bunch of beds in the pre-fab house next door and assigned them to those beds. Now they don't come into my house and try to sleep on my bed anymore.
Guilty as charged. Set up a house and blocked off one side of it, then set up a few turrets on the other side. Got a nice little garden right by the well. Hell, I think it may be a better hangout then my house in real life!!!
I don't have much built, only my junk wall and house but here's a couple pics- (need to gather settlers) to show more of the wall and how I get to my roof house
How do you build things?
I've been to the workshop in Red Rocket but although it shows building various things in a menu I get to popup --- I don't seem to be able to build anything. All is greyed out it seems.
Do you have to be a certain level before you can build?
It sounds like you don't have the materials to build which you can get by scrapping things. When you're in build mode you can scrap nearly everything on the lot from trees to junk cars...same in Sanctuary which should give you plenty of material.
Looking good man
Looking forward to seeing your finished work.
Thanks, it's gonna be awhile until I do more to it as I burned up all 500 of my wood building the wall.
ha I'd like to see if you have pics.
Have a wonder round sanctuary. I destroyed everything lol and got myself 3.2k wood and 1.3k steel lol. Takes about an hour
yeah great... I read this, now 2 hours later and i STILL cant make a nice stairway up to my roof.. THX A LOT
I made a little shed with a flat roof the 1st ladder connects perfect with it, but i cant seem to make the half ladder connect to the top now
I moved all of the Crafting Stations into the garage then I set up steel walls around all of the entrances with new doors (though I found out about the sliding doors afterward--I'm just mentally saying it's to make it harder for intruders to enter).
I've got the Minutemen flag and Old World Flag, some artwork on the interior, an Icebox to serve as my refriegerator replacement, a toilet, and some electrical lights. I'm in a polyamorous relationship with Cait and Piper so I put two beds into the little cubby hole room.
The place is also surrounded by turrets.
Yeah, boiled down to it, it's the Sole Survivor's equivalent of a mansion and home away from the Minutemen.
Here is my
I like to call it Little Riften.
Red rockets my favourite base. It's the very first one I built as I went exploring in there straight after finding dogmeat.
Never thought of building on the roof though.
The garage area is my own personal house. Everyone else lives in the prefabs.
I dont bother with settlement building, the buildings are boring looking only wood and metal so I dont care about it, feels more like a tacked on feature than anything useful for finishing the game.
I've a well established fortress at the Red Rocket, I think my defence is 66 at the minute with plans to add some laser turrets to the roof.
I picked up a guy in diamond city by giving him a drink and now he is the sole settler (farmer) for my home base (with the companions providing security) was a pleasant surprise to find purified water and food in my storage at the RR.
I'm not sure about the settlements, but its very good to have the option to build my own home bases this time. I'll probably build up the settlements more after I finish the main story.