I've never played Skyrim using a Nord character. Is that odd? I'm not really sure why. I've played as a Nord in both Morrowind and Oblivion. The thing is ...I think it was a conscious rejection, but I can't think of any real reason.
I've never played Skyrim using a Nord character. Is that odd? I'm not really sure why. I've played as a Nord in both Morrowind and Oblivion. The thing is ...I think it was a conscious rejection, but I can't think of any real reason.
I love the Nords. most of my character are Nords.
some people say the can only do the main quest as a Nord because it fells weird for a non Nord to [spoiler]go to Sovngarde[/url]
I never played as a Nord. Why on Nirn would I?
I've never played a Nord in Skyrim either. I've played a Breton and all of the Mer races.
I've never played a Nord in any Elder Scrolls game.
Nord all the way for me. I've tried Breton a few times because I like their abilities but I can't play a non-Nord for more than a few hours without feeling something is missing.
I've played a few Nords but I'm mainly a Khajiit.
Nord and Khajiit are my main choices but if its not one of them then its likely an Imperial.
I know what you mean. I cannot play a male Man or Mer who does not have a beard. They look quite odd without them IMO.
I have never played as a Nord. I play as myself, rather then roleplaying a character and Nords couldn't be farther from my physical appearance. I always play as a Breton and rarely also as an Imperial.
M'aiq once played a Nord.
He prefers Argonian, Khajiit, Imperial, and Wood Elf.
No, never done a "serious" playthrough in any TES game as a nord.
My second characters in TES games are always native to the province of setting (except Arena of course), so yes.
Pffh, are you serious? A filthy stickin' rebellious barbaric uncivilized savage Nord? Don't pull my leg, of course I've played one, as I have just started a new character that happens to be Nord and I have strangely enjoyed it so far. It just so happens to be my first time ever playing as a Nord as well in TES.
I've played as a Nord once. Might do it again. Not high priority though.
Wait...How can M'aiq become a nord when...you're always a cat....I smell some lying here
I always play as either a Nord or an Altmer though, I've played as mostly everything else...well, all expect a redguard.
I've played as a Nord before but it was a pretty damn boring experience. Nothing about them interests me.