Who else went to Skyrim then came back to Vegas?

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:47 pm


Count me in for that list. Played Skyrim a bit but yknow what, I think Vegas is superior, despite it's age. This game is friggin' good.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:41 pm

Despite its age ?
Its little over a year old, I don't think its aged at all, like CoD4, immortalized forever and ever and ever :)
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:39 pm

Despite its age ?
Its little over a year old, I don't think its aged at all, like CoD4, immortalized forever and ever and ever :)

I know, but a lot of people seem to think newer = better. Or that the new engine = automatically better.
I think New Vegas' weapon balancing, character customization and lore simply can't be beat, though.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:12 pm

I've not played Skyrim yet, maybe after Christmas if Santa is still bringing me it.
I don't see it replacing Fallout for me though, graphics mean nothing to me really and the engine with how it ran F3 and New vegas for me was absolloutely fine.
Maybe it fell over a few times but so have plenty of my games even MW3 and that just out.
I don't know much of TES's lore but I've read plenty of Fallout's and Fallout seems more my kind of game so I can't see myself putting Fallout on the back bench for TES
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James Smart
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:14 pm

It's not worth looking into the lore anyways. Unlike Fallout, they don't stay true to their own lore and they're constantly rewriting it. For instance, the Redguard race was always referred to the warrior race that hates magic, now suddenly they're quite proficient with it. Falmer were supposed to be a race of elves, now suddenly they're goblins that seem to lay eggs. Winterhold (think that's the name) was described as being a big city, now suddenly it's a small village.

The main thing though is along with superior Lore, New Vegas has better weapon balancing (though Skyrim's isn't half bad either) and better perks. In New Vegas, when I get a perk I basically unlock a new ability, which is thrilling, useful and it'll change the way I conduct my fights. In Skyrim, they actually attached weapon damage to the perks, which basically makes perks a REQUIREMENT. Like instead of just leveling your guns skill and that increases your accuracy and also increases your damage a tad, if New Vegas had Skyrim's style of perks, you'd spend 5-8 perks just increasing your weapon damage and accuracy (not VATS accuracy, free-range spread) with your perks, and if you DIDN'T get those perks, then your guns damage against leveled enemies would be so god awful that you'd never stand a chance in hell.

So basically I don't feel rewarded when I get a new perk in Skyrim, but rather I feel like the game says "alright we're about to nerf your proficiency with every skill across the board by 10%, but we'll let you pick one to keep that won't get this nerf." You're not spending perks to improve, you're spending perks not to get worse. Joy. I can't wait to level up and get my next perk. :sadvaultboy:

New Vegas still has the best combination of writing, weapon balancing and character customization I've seen from any RPG, imo.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:01 pm

To be honest, I want to come back to New Vegas. There just so much I haven't done yet. I want to start my Melee/Unarmed playthrough (and make it work this time), I want to get all the Lonesome Road achievements, because its my favourite DLC and I loved every minute. And who wouldn't, its the perfect combination of Fallout 3 and New Vegas in one glorious action packed adventure. I want to do OWB as well. So many things left to do. And I will return, its just a matter of when, not if.

But I'm gonna give Skyrim a bit more time. I'm not a swords and sorcery fan in the slightest. My rule is, if I can't kill something looking through a scope, then I'm happy for it to stay alive. But Skyrim is beautiful, and the haunting music just draws me in further. And I get to look at Lydia for hours. :thumbsup:
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:38 am

To be honest, I want to come back to New Vegas. There just so much I haven't done yet. I want to start my Melee/Unarmed playthrough (and make it work this time), I want to get all the Lonesome Road achievements, because its my favourite DLC and I loved every minute. And who wouldn't, its the perfect combination of Fallout 3 and New Vegas in one glorious action packed adventure. I want to do OWB as well. So many things left to do. And I will return, its just a matter of when, not if.

But I'm gonna give Skyrim a bit more time. I'm not a swords and sorcery fan in the slightest. My rule is, if I can't kill something looking through a scope, then I'm happy for it to stay alive. But Skyrim is beautiful, and the haunting music just draws me in further. And I get to look at Lydia for hours. :thumbsup:

By all means, take your time.

I gave Skyrim time because New Vegas was a game I was disappointed with on my first playthrough, cause I couldn't get into it. Then I found a way in and I still haven't come back out.
I thought maybe Skyrim could be the same, but the more I explore, the more I realize my princess is in another castle.
Of course that's something you gotta find out for yourself, but trust me, you'll be back. :wavey:
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:44 pm

I played Skyrim for about 2 hours but I just kept wanting to go back to New Vegas and try new things so that's what I've been doing. I'll probably play Skyrim around Thanksgiving.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:14 pm

By all means, take your time.

I gave Skyrim time because New Vegas was a game I was disappointed with on my first playthrough, cause I couldn't get into it. Then I found a way in and I still haven't come back out.
I thought maybe Skyrim could be the same, but the more I explore, the more I realize my princess is in another castle.
Of course that's something you gotta find out for yourself, but trust me, you'll be back. :wavey:

I was a bit disappointed with New Vegas first time around as well. I didn't appreciate the depth of the quests, characters and overall story. Its well done, especially how all the quests are interlinked. I was initially bored with the endless fetch quests, but the game came alive when I started adding the DLC. It also offers genuine replayability, since certain quests will be closed off to you each time, depending on which faction you join. I've yet to see if Skyrim does the same thing, or if it follows the Fallout 3 model where every player can do absolutely everything on one playthrough. All will be revealed in time, of course.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:09 am

I haven't got Skyrim yet, I'm buying it in... 3 hours, when I get paid. Thank you 24 hour supermarkets.

I'm actually looking forward to a break from New Vegas. I've been playing it nonstop lately. Keep quitting characters, never getting too far, getting frustrated, ect.

It's not for good though, I'll be back to it in a months or so.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:00 pm

I was a bit disappointed with New Vegas first time around as well. I didn't appreciate the depth of the quests, characters and overall story. Its well done, especially how all the quests are interlinked. I was initially bored with the endless fetch quests, but the game came alive when I started adding the DLC. It also offers genuine replayability, since certain quests will be closed off to you each time, depending on which faction you join. I've yet to see if Skyrim does the same thing, or if it follows the Fallout 3 model where every player can do absolutely everything on one playthrough. All will be revealed in time, of course.

It doesn't.

You have no choice with quests, they all give you one road to walk and one road only. There was even a quest where I was given a choice of doing something that would anger the guild leader, and I chose not to do it. What did the person say to me as a response? "Ok, come back when you change your mind." I went to the guild leader to see if he had any dialog pertaining to the matter; to see if I could rat on that guild member. Nope, none whatsoever. I was forced to betray the guild leader to continue on with the faction quests, basically.

The main quest also has several points where you're given a choice of who to consult about an issue. Do these choices matter? Not in the slightest. I reloaded to try them, got the same damn result no matter who I consulted. I also have a feeling that whether you choose the Stormcloaks or the Legion, Whiterun will choose the opposite, so you always end up attacking them in the same exact fashion.

The only thing that will be closed off to you is you can only choose the Imperial Legion or the Stormcloaks, not both. However, judging by the way the rest of the "decisions" in the game act, and by my Stormcloak playthrough, I have a feeling these play almost exactly the same. I had to attack several forts with the help of a Stormcloak camp throughout the campaign, and every single time I noticed there was conveniently an Imperial Legion camp near the fort too, as if I would use a different camp but attack the same fort if I'd supported them. Not sure though.

Either way, it just doesn't compare to New Vegas, where I can go back to an NPC over even the slightest detail and hear their opinion on it; they'll actually have one. Or where my decisions are truly decisions with rewards and consequences, where they effect how NPCs and factions react to me and effect the tasks I'll be required to complete in the future. New Vegas is simply 1000x more detailed politically and story-wise.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:03 pm

It doesn't.

Oh no. :(

You have no choice with quests, they all give you one road to walk and one road only. There was even a quest where I was given a choice of doing something that would anger the guild leader, and I chose not to do it. What did the person say to me as a response? "Ok, come back when you change your mind." I went to the guild leader to see if he had any dialog pertaining to the matter; to see if I could rat on that guild member. Nope, none whatsoever. I was forced to betray the guild leader to continue on with the faction quests, basically.

The main quest also has several points where you're given a choice of who to consult about an issue. Do these choices matter? Not in the slightest. I reloaded to try them, got the same damn result no matter who I consulted. I also have a feeling that whether you choose the Stormcloaks or the Legion, Whiterun will choose the opposite, so you always end up attacking them in the same exact fashion.

The only thing that will be closed off to you is you can only choose the Imperial Legion or the Stormcloaks, not both. However, judging by the way the rest of the "decisions" in the game act, and by my Stormcloak playthrough, I have a feeling these play almost exactly the same. I had to attack several forts with the help of a Stormcloak camp throughout the campaign, and every single time I noticed there was conveniently an Imperial Legion camp near the fort too, as if I would use a different camp but attack the same fort if I'd supported them. Not sure though.

Either way, it just doesn't compare to New Vegas, where I can go back to an NPC over even the slightest detail and hear their opinion on it; they'll actually have one. Or where my decisions are truly decisions with rewards and consequences, where they effect how NPCs and factions react to me and effect the tasks I'll be required to complete in the future. New Vegas is simply 1000x more detailed politically and story-wise.

I'm still only level 10, so lets go easy on the spoilers, okay? :thumbsup:

But I was hoping for some meatier questlines and more choices and consequence. But I can't complain, Bethesda goes whole-heartedly for the open world experience, I knew that already when I bought Skyrim. Its a spectacular looking game, and is a masterpiece of its genre. I do like the choices + consequence questline more though, since dungeon crawling can only hold so much appeal for me. But its still early days, and I'll reserve judgement for a bit.

I'm just off to tank that Frost Troll at the second attempt...now where did I leave my Brush Gun? Oh, wait...
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:09 am

I'm back

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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:27 am

I still have yet to travel to Skyrim sadly to say. Though I will probably go back to Vegas eventually but Battlefield 3 is keeping me busy right now.
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jadie kell
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:40 pm

I prefer Skyrim over New Vegas, but then again i prefer TES over Fallout, so thats not surprising. However, I'm sure I'll come back to New Vegas at some point. Maybe even pick up some of the DLC....just not anytime soon :)
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Jah Allen
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:17 pm

I just cant get into Skyrim, I'm trying though, its defiantly the best game Bethesda has made in a while.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:57 am

Although I love my New Vegas that is modded to perfectly suit me I haven't bought a new game I really really really enjoyed for a long time.
When I played some other games I purchased last month all I could think of is "I have to hurry up completing these so I can play other games."
Not that I didn't like the games, I did, I just have so many games I need to play that it's extremely hard for me to ignore those.
But with Skyrim, it's different, I can put that worry away and enjoy Skyrim slowly.

So did I come back? Hell no. :D
I might love a modded Fallout New Vegas but that doesn't mean that it will be any more fresh than it's been for the last 6 months.
Skyrim on the other hand is still scolding hot and not until it's gone cellar cold will I even consider going back to New Vegas. ;)
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:01 am

Although I love my New Vegas that is modded to perfectly suit me I haven't bought a new game I really really really enjoyed for a long time.
When I played some other games I purchased last month all I could think of is "I have to hurry up completing these so I can play other games."
Not that I didn't like the games, I did, I just have so many games I need to play that it's extremely hard for me to ignore those.
But with Skyrim, it's different, I can put that worry away and enjoy Skyrim slowly.

So did I come back? Hell no. :D
I might love a modded Fallout New Vegas but that doesn't mean that it will be any more fresh than it's been for the last 6 months.
Skyrim on the other hand is still scolding hot and not until it's gone cellar cold will I even consider going back to New Vegas. ;)

Interesting... the 'love it or hate it' dichotomy of the Fallout fans who've tried Skyrim. I've read the bad or so-so reviews above... what is it about Skyrim that has been scalding your tomatoes, Gabriel?
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:24 pm

Skyrim has a lot going for it, but aside from the environs, everything seems kinda bland. I can't give a [censored] about the characters or quests because none of them present themselves in a way which would make me care and want to help/solve them. That said, and even though it's narratively superior and more interesting, I won't be going back for New Vegas just yet (mostly because the style of general - TES esque - gameplay has really worn out). I'll finish Skyrim since I got to have it and then continue my second run on The Witcher 2, and maybe then do the NCR and Yes Man runs.
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claire ley
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:01 pm

The main thing though is along with superior Lore, New Vegas has better weapon balancing (though Skyrim's isn't half bad either) and better perks. In New Vegas, when I get a perk I basically unlock a new ability, which is thrilling, useful and it'll change the way I conduct my fights. In Skyrim, they actually attached weapon damage to the perks, which basically makes perks a REQUIREMENT. Like instead of just leveling your guns skill and that increases your accuracy and also increases your damage a tad, if New Vegas had Skyrim's style of perks, you'd spend 5-8 perks just increasing your weapon damage and accuracy (not VATS accuracy, free-range spread) with your perks, and if you DIDN'T get those perks, then your guns damage against leveled enemies would be so god awful that you'd never stand a chance in hell.

So basically I don't feel rewarded when I get a new perk in Skyrim, but rather I feel like the game says "alright we're about to nerf your proficiency with every skill across the board by 10%, but we'll let you pick one to keep that won't get this nerf." You're not spending perks to improve, you're spending perks not to get worse. Joy. I can't wait to level up and get my next perk. :sadvaultboy:

New Vegas still has the best combination of writing, weapon balancing and character customization I've seen from any RPG, imo.

Hmm. I suppose this answers my unasked question as to whether I should spend money on Skyrim. This, and your lower post.

On the one hand, I can see the point of perks that improve the damage/accuracy of certain weapons. On the other hand, they need to be handled well. In New Vegas, Cowboy improves damage with a certain selection of weapons significantly, turning some into world-beaters, but all of these weapons are usable without Cowboy. Are you saying that in Skyrim, you'd spend a couple perks just upping the DAM of the .357 Revolver just to keep up with the mid to late-game areas and enemies? As opposed to having one perk that turns Lucky from a sidearm into a mainline weapon? And that enemies are leveled, like in FO3? I hated that crap.

As to the quest thing...that stinks. That really stinks. It is the responsibility of the role-playing game to allow players to make real choices if they are allowed to make a character. Kinda why I hated not being able to kill Elder Lyons and the entire garrison of the Citadel. And why I hated that the Enclave turned hostile after agreeing to hep them. And that they were still hostile after I introduced the FEV in Broken Steel.

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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:07 pm

Sorry, but Skyrim is amazing. I've milked NV dry. I can't wait to see what happens next in the Fallout world, however. I'm still a Fallout fan first!
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:31 pm

Just like how I played Fallout 3 until New Vegas was actually finished, so I shall play New Vegas and OB until Skyrim is finished, or maybe I'll just scrap it. Doesn't even feel like TES so here's hoping that Fallout 4 is an epic win and that the developers are actually given enough time to properly make the damn game.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:53 pm

Just like how I played Fallout 3 until New Vegas was actually finished, so I shall play New Vegas and OB until Skyrim is finished, or maybe I'll just scrap it. Doesn't even feel like TES so here's hoping that Fallout 4 is an epic win and that the developers are actually given enough time to properly make the damn game.

How much time did they have to make Skyrim?

FFS, I thought New Vegas had a rushed schedule to an extent (they had to cut Legion content AND Ulysses); Skyrim feels like the damn thing was made in 4 months. Or like there's literally no writing staff/no one testing character and enemy balance.
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J.P loves
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:46 am

They had to copy stuff from this game to make skyrim
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:26 pm

How much time did they have to make Skyrim?

FFS, I thought New Vegas had a rushed schedule to an extent (they had to cut Legion content AND Ulysses); Skyrim feels like the damn thing was made in 4 months. Or like there's literally no writing staff/no one testing character and enemy balance.

I was referring to New Vegas having been rushed, not Skyrim. Although I agree it certainly feels it was.
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