PC for me.
It seems like the divide is on whether or not they can be bothered to get off of their sofa. Where as i don't have a choice but to play it on my PC (Although it is superior anyway ) . The wife loves all that prime time trash, so I wouldn't be able to get near the TV.
Add me to the people who don't own a TV or any consoles Although I did have an xbox 360 for a while, before it succumbed to RROD... and I had it hooked up to my monitor You can do that with a console just like you can connect a PC to your TV.
However, any game I can play on a PC I will. I don't like controllers, and I would never be able to wait till June.
For the console players, though... your "consolation" prize will probably be a much more stable game, since I'm certain there will have been a few patches before you get it
we've done polls on this like two months ago i think 85% of people here are PC players
PC because of release date
if released same time, I mightve gone PS4
i would like to point out that my computer chair is just as comfortable as my couch. console players like to always wave the "i get to sit on my couch" flag when nothing stops a pc player from also sitting on the couch lol
WSAD I can't imagine playing an Elder Scrolls Game or MMO or any FPS without it. I know a lot of people really like using controllers for FPS but I am just so much better with a mouse that it makes no sense for me to even try.
My son has an xb1 but the pc is always gong to be my preference.
I see that PC is the favorite by a large margin here but I would like to point out that almost everyone posting out here is currently using a PC. I don't think that the majority of players will be on console but I think the console numbers will be a lot higher than most of us would suspect.
Skyrim has now sold 20 million units and the breakdown by platform looks like this.
Skryim Sales By Platform XBox 360 59 % Playstation 3 27 % PC 14 %
PC sales are probably a little soft due to piracy, but you could say the same thing about the 360.
I think this will be the game that shows us that MMOs can work on a console.
digital sales arent in those stats are they?
am getting it on pc since its released there first but might get it on PS4 too so that I can play with my friends
I'd only play the game if I can use a controller and I don't have an Xbox One or PS4.
nah if it doesn't explicitly say so it never does
I dont know why but there seems to be a huge compaign to marginilize and disinfranchise PC gamers . Most of us buy our games online dammit, why dont we bloody count when it comes to sales stats
or maybe it is just a conspiracy nut in me
All the new industry trends come to us first.
but power to make demands comes from the $$$. With digital sales not counted and both consoles often lumped together whenever compared against PC...
PC players are also the most whinny out of the bunch and perhaps if we knew how much of the pie belongs to us we would be even more whinny and demanding. Ah those would be the days lol
The game is being marketed to PC players first and is clearly designed with the PC in mind, unlike Skyrim. Have no fears in that regard.
The publisher counts their sales regardless of their source, I assure you.
lol. my experience is gamers complain. console, pc, dont matter. if you are a gamer you complain
yeah but pc players are the tip of the spear. Look at this forum and other forums like this 80+% of complainers will be PC users, yeap thats us, we took the time to find the forum, create an account, put on some silly pic avatar of say cartman and then complain away... for almost 1000 posts lol just from me
Can you imagine how emboldened we would be if we found out that PC sales are actually about the same as Xbox sales, there would a #$%! storm of astonishing proportions that the developers would have to deal with.
pc users tend to visit forums like this much more. i could counter this with a gamespot forum and show you any topic that mentions either the xboxone or ps4
only with xbox or PS exclusives, but if PC is in the mix half of the people posting will be PC users even in gamespot forum.
We just have more tools to complain, like with Skyrim there were mods that optimized performance by 25% at the cost of...nothing and fixed numerous bugs in the first month. Those kinds of things just open the door to so many complaints that i think consoles just cant compete.
Consoles are for smart and the superior people! dont be a heretic! and play games on console ! THE TRUE MASTER RACE!
PC. Have never been able to get my clumsy hands to work a controller well.