I am wondering how much of the Elder Scrolls community is going which way? I am stuck between going PS4 or PC. What are you guys and gals going with?
I am wondering how much of the Elder Scrolls community is going which way? I am stuck between going PS4 or PC. What are you guys and gals going with?
Xbox one.
Can't stand playing PC games even if they are usually superior. Like the comfort of a big tv and armchair
ps4 and all the gals are coming with me on that one im sure...
PS4! i'm always prefer consoles because consoles are for smart and the superior people! dont be a heretic! and play games on console ! THE TRUE MASTER RACE!
PC : for the better graphics, performance, mods, dual monitors, mouse & keyboard - and prefer gaming in my study rather than the living room.
Also get to play it on the 30th March ( 5 days head start ) instead of waiting until June! :/
It is just as easy hooking a PC up to a tv as it is an xbox
PS4, my PC is definitely more powerful than my console, but I always prefer gaming on the Console.
PC I don't even own a TV, let alone any gaming consoles lol
PC, got a girlfriend and friends to play with and we are the master race.
PC as I prefer this approach to mmo control compared to my PS4
Polls are good for this sort of thing, a good 'ole search will probably help you out there.
That being said: PC all the way.
Console version is not coming out until June?
Depends. Some people's Desktop serves more than just an entertainment hub, it is also use for stuff like work and the like so unhooking the PC to take it to another room could be an inconvenient. Also, depending on where your TV may be in comparison to where your room is, it could be an inconvenient. Also, if you prefer to play on a Mouse/Keyboard rather than controller then it isn't the most comfortable way to play on a TV. Just a lot of things you gotta think about, at the end of the day for most people it just easier to play it on the console
PC will have the biggest population by far.
PC all the way. Better graphics, higher resolutions, multiple monitors, bigger choice for controls, I can even hop onto my la-z-boy and play it all on my 55" tv.
That is correct. PC version is launching April 4. Console is June sometime, at least that's their goal.
PC master race er sorry, player here.
I own no consoles, though I'm no elitist, I can't justify the additional cost. Even if I could actually decide between the two, or I guess three technically, and it doesn't help that no other games coming out are really grabbing me (which is actually true about the PC too).
Ha, I don't own a TV either. People look at me like I have three heads when I tell them that. I don't bother telling them I don't want to sound like my parents, who have access to like 250 channels yet still complain about there being nothing on.
I'm playing on the PC. Just like my Xbox, I play on the same 47" Plasma TV and use the same controler.
... and set in the same chair with my feet on the coffee table.
You're okay in my book . The whole "master race" thing is pretty annoying (and borderline insulting if you know the history those two words had in the past). I have a pretty powerful PC too but don't use that to try to make myself better than anyone.
PC. It's so much simpler for MMO's. Imagine trying to buy stuff from guild store or trade someone on a console. Attacking while moving, while moving the camera...Nty. I'll stick to playing MMO's on PC.
Yeah I'm afraid not, that's what it says on every store that's selling it anyhow...
Release date PC : 04/04/2014
Release date Xbox One & PS4 : June 2014
Taken from - elderscrollsonline. com
(Game.co.uk, ShopTo and Amazon)
PC, i guess ps4 is ok, but paying dual monthly fee's is not for me (xbox)
I spent hundreds of hours on oblivion on ps3, however skyrim half of the time i used ps3, while nowadays i use my pc.