He is the Community Manager. He is an employee of BGS. Part of his job is to ride herd on the Moderators as we try to keep this place sane, the other part is working with all the social events and media surrounding the games that Bethesda publishes. He also the channel or conduit between the company and the fans handling issues that come up in the forums and making sure the right corporate folks get the requests.
I am sure he has a few other hats too, like a Michigan hat.
Matt Grandstaff, he is the boss here. Super admin of the community (I don't remember his exact title); takes care of the http://www.bethblog.com/gate.php. At your service, always.
You don't...
I mean it's like asking how be a part of a secret society organization. It's by invitation only and through heritage, as it's passed down through generations.
It was a night of blurred images, many big people in dark combat armor, a windowless van and some trippy chems so I can't really remember all the details of the abduction, I mean the recruitment for being a moderator.
This topic does beg the question...
Who IS Gman?
Gstaff works with this guy----> http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100621095821/half-life/en/images/2/27/G-man_heart_to_heart_headshot.jpg .
Some say he is a hero who has slain many a fearsome troll, necromancer, and fire elemental with his mighty warhammer and circle of stalwart knights. Others call him a maniacal killer and tyrant, responsible for leading witch burnings from the shadows, secret executions, and indefinite banishments. The truth will always be murky. But all look upon the day when he returns with trepidation.
Well I like to read the tags under usernames and I usually figure such things out that way. But every once and a while I'll see a user named Google mobile1, I don't know who that is there's no information when I hover over it's name and I can't click it. I think it a Google bot checking out the site for dangerous elements. But I'm not sure.
I heard rumours it has something to do with an old van driving up to your house, men dragging you away into the night so you can live with the other moderators in a secret basemant somewhere.
He is the nothingness of darkness. A shadow that lurks behind your every step. Some say that he is perhaps fear itself.
It's Gman from the Half-Life series. Gstaff/Gman it was kind of a gag .
in HL2: Episode 1: The Vortagonts keep him at bay.
and in the HL: Episode 2: he gives Alex Vance a message to Eli.
They lured me to the van with coffee at 5 am on a cold winter day. Next thing I knew I was chained to a desk in front of a computer in a dark dingy basemant. We survive on Troll fat and shred ban lists to make bedding for the cyber chinchillas who run the servers. We once had a hamster but he moved on to green pastures and was replaced by the chinchillas.
He is the Matt with the Grand Staff.
Take that as you will.
He had a TES League fantasy football hat as well, but my fantasy team broke it.