Wow... really??
Different strokes, obviously, but may I ask why you view Morrowind so low? Did you play it before or after Oblivion?
Horrible combat system (dicerolls works in top down RPG's but in FPP it was a real horror), topic dialogue stacked and made me disgusted with talking to NPC's, the traveling was bland and boring and with no fast-travel and the slow walking speed I had no fun exploring, the dungeons were repetitive and bland, the characters suffered the same Oblivion syndrome where they all have random "fantasy" names that just ended up cluttered and had little personality to actually remain memorable, the whole menu system was irritating, I could barely cast any spells despite tagging a couple of schools as Major skills and much more.
If there is going to be a "learn by doing" system then I need to be able to actually
do things so that my skill can raise.
I could never depend on any of my spells, only one that seemed consistent was the ring that was enchanted.
And the dice-rolls my Willis the DICE-ROLLS! I shot 50 arrows that DID hit an enemy and yet only 2 registered due to the dice-roll combat.
I don't mind dice-rolls in other games when it's top down, cause that means I only vaugely control the character, but when I "am" the character, looking through it's eyes, and I fire 50 arrows that I see with my own and characters eyes that hit the enemy and they don't register then it pisses me off.
How am I suppose to raise my Marksman skill if the arrows won't register?
And I know it's an older game, I'm fine with bad graphics, but when it has bad graphics, barely anything to do in the wilderness and the only way to travel is by Silt Striders to towns and by foot then it becomes tedious and boring.
Then we have that Bruce-awful kneeling down thing that happens in melee combat, I get it, getting knocked down to your knees is a nice feature, but when it happens with every other blow on a Berserker character then it just pisses me off.
I played it after Oblivion but this has nothing to do about it being an older game (except maybe the bland wilderness), I simply think Morrowind was a bad game overall.
Might have been great when it came out but it has certainly not aged well in my opinion.
So yeah, Morrowind was dreadful to me.
I gave it a try but there are so many flaws and bad design choices that I cannot continue with it.
After playing it I'm actually really surprised as to why people here hold it so highly.
I mean, Fallout 1 and 2 (this isn't biased) are different too, but their mechanics work.
Their dice-rolls work for it's TB/top down system, it's dialogue is rich and easy to handle, it's world is easy to learn how to travel and it doesn't take too long to actually get to the interesting places, the characters are memorable in names and personality it's menu systems were easy to handle and didn't all pop up at once.
Overall Fallout 1 and 2 worked for me, and I've played lots of older games and learned their mechanics really well and been able to enjoy them.
But Morrowind... I dunno, I just don't understand how so many can accept those flaws in Morrowind, maybe even like them.
But like you said, different strokes I guess.
Morrowind feels way too alien to me though.