looked more like engraved metal than fur.
also haven't you seen like any KNIGHT VS. DRAGON fight ever? there's always the part where the knight crouches behind his shield while flames lick above it.
it's also worth noting that after the fire bit the dragon didn't get a single hit on him. he [censored] that dragon up like a boss.
This. Knights are all about blocking some fire breath with their shield.
Hey wait a second, wouldn't 100% fire resistance be OP in dragon fights? Dunmer ftw? :/
Against the dragons that use fire? Yes. Assuming Dragon fire is on the same level of normal magical and regular fire. (not all dragons use fire)
It was a script. Obviously your character doesn't look up slowly and dramatically after taking no damage from fire.
It's obviously a scripted sequence. Do you really think the camera will pan around dramatically like that in game play?
It actually wasn't. They have said that the entire
gameplay trailer was... Gameplay. Not specifically animated or scripted. Obviously, the camera isn't going to be all cinematic. But
everything we saw. excluding the shots of Alduin's Wall from the teaser trailer, were entirely dynamic and how it will be in game. If you don't want to take my word for it go look up Nick Breckon and Pete Hines' twitter.