Which is exactly what I was referring to. I hope the dragons behave that well in game. Well, I hope they're a little more powerful or intelligent than that. Chasing the PC to the edge of a cliff, breathing fire directly on to him without any chance to dodge, buzzing the player and taking a fatal blow without any attempt at an attack. Went down a little too easily. Anyway, it's not like they lit a dog on fire or anything.
Well damn. We have been debating on different things! I thought you were implying that it was specifically animated for the trailer. Meaning, Dragon fights won't be that epic at all.
I'd agree though, it did seem to go down a bit too easy. To the cliff point maybe the dragon was like "lol, I could push him down that cliff... But i'ma pwn this fool" but little did he know he was about to pick on the Dovahkiin! Or... They the A.I. just isn't aware of the PC being near edges like that.