Like I stated earlier, I would much rather they added features/content and quality assurance than adding another mode.
Look at it this way....
Skyrim = Skyrim
Skyrim + more features & content = Better Skyrim
Skyrim + Horde = Skyrim w/ Horde mode
LOL. I rather have "Better Skyrim" than "Skyrim w/ Horde mode". :brokencomputer:
LOL, I like your
very super ultra-biased equation/conclusion
I don't understand horde mode... isn't it just a new word for survival mode? I don't see the big deal with that. Just put it in an arena and make it seem normal...
Why is it always one or the other with you people... If I make a thread talking about... lets say "Fishing", then someone always says "I don't want fishing because I want...." I don't really get that. we have no idea what they implemented already... Stop pretending you don't want fishing, just so you can point out something more "important". I'm no game programmer, but i couldn't imagine a survival mode taking too long to implement...
So in case I'm wrong about Horde mode being essentially the same as survival mode... I don't see the big problem with it.
Arena + beast catchers + summoners + harsh judicial system = endless rounds of enemies in an Arena... seems like it could fit the game to me...
BTW: survival mode = feature and content
and i agree... Skyrim + more features and content = Better Skyrim
Or we can just do what you did with something else
Skyrim + more features and content = Better Skyrim
Skyrim + Horses = Skyrim w/ horses
LOL I'd take Better Skyrim any day <--(read in a mocking tone)