Who here hopes for a horde mode?

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:30 am

But if you notice, all the games you listed are FPSs.

um, Gears of War isn't. :whistling:
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:13 am

No. This isn't Gears of War.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:00 am

But I don't see the point to it or how it brings replayability. It's just mindless killing with nothing for you to benefit from. In those other games, you could get rewards for it and show off your score to your friends online. What gameplay value do you get out of it for a singleplayer action adventure RPG? If you give rewards for it, it doesn't make sense in the scope of the game and then you have no one to compare to.

Besides, TES is the definition of replayability. I've never seen any other game that can have someone log so many hours and not be an MMO.

The main response I'm getting is " It's not needed ". Well technically in those fps games, horde mode isn't really needed either it's just an addition. Why not go ahead and add it, if Bethesda runs out of things to install within the remaining months, might as well add a horde mode, we want the best quality but ALSO a great quantity of things in this game, everything helps. Here's how I'm looking at it:

Skyrim = Skyrim

Skyrim + Horde Mode = Better Skyrim ( Because there's additional stuff to do! )

This is, I believe, how you guys are looking at it:

Skyrim - Horde Mode = Better Skyrim ( Because it gives them more time to perfect certain things like animations and such )
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:04 am

This isn't something I would ever play a TES game for. I really dislike these sort of suspension-of-disbelief breakers that cheapen the gameworld. Keep this sort of fluff for games where 'roleplaying' isn't the point.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:39 pm

The main response I'm getting is " It's not needed ". Well technically in those fps games, horde mode isn't really needed either it's just an gimmick


It's a superficial gimmick added to increased playtime to their short games.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:19 am

The main response I'm getting is " It's not needed ". Well technically in those fps games, horde mode isn't really needed either it's just an addition

No, in those games it's a gimmick to try and artificially inflate already-lacking gameplay time so people don't feel ripped off at what they paid for the game compared to what they got out of it playtime-wise.

And since TES games don't suffer from the "Is that all?!" effect that led shooter makers to come up with gimmicks like horde mode, it not only isn't necessary, it also most likely won't happen.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:17 am

That style of game play doesn't really fit TES...
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:47 am

No. Like many have said, a huge open world RPG like Skyrim doesn't need a horde mode.

Oh god, please no. I can see it now, 'Nazi Dragons' - Skyrim's first expansion pack.

- Zombie DLC. Watch the blood splatter as you fight zombies with your enchanted Dwemer chainsaw.
- Vietnam DLC. Guerilla Argonian warfare in a jungle/swamp area. Ready your M60. :)
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Nick Swan
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:22 am

An arena is good enough.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:58 am


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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:27 am

Care to elaborate on said reason? I really don't see why one can't just use their spells / melee weapons / ranged weapons to slaughter endless amounts of enemies of various difficulties.

I'll do it for him:

This is a spell and sword game, not a game where your primary weapons are only ranged weapons. This means that you have to get into melee range of opponents who are expected to do 50-75% damage to your total health per strike and smack them around with a sword. Also, those modes are fit for shotguns and automatic weapons, not a weapon that focuses on one enemy at a time (like the sword), which is why noone likes seeing the Mosin-Nagant/L86 pop out of the mystery box. Bows are redesigned to be more powerful and take longer to draw, so that is also out. This pidgon-holes the player to use an AoE destuction / absorb health spells which would then end up taxing players resource (mainly Magicka) pools and be a case of seeing how long you can go until you go OOM and watch as you get mauled by a bunch of zombies.

To sum it up:
Swords and bows would be like using only the knife on Zombies mode (Call of Duty).
Non-AoE spells would be like using bolt-action rifles on Zombies mode.
AoE destruction spells would be over powered because they can do a constant DoT over time, Absorb Health spells moreso.

This is a Firat Person Shooter style thing because it just cant be implemented well into anything else, especially a game that doesn't focus too much on crowd controll (and let's face it, spell making is out, so all you can do is what Bethesda decides to code into the game) and what little bit on crowd controll there is really tends to eat up Magicka, so this would require you to work your butt off to get to ultra high level and then you can survive the higher rounds, and the zombies mode in most shooter games tries to rely on mostly player skill, so that would waste the idea there. Just face it, you cant implement this into TES without it being a mess.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:03 am

This is, I believe, how you guys are looking at it:

Skyrim - Horde Mode = Better Skyrim ( Because it gives them more time to perfect certain things like animations and such )

That's exactly how I'm looking at it. I guess it would be okay, if they had a bunch of free time until release, but if that were the case, they'd just release it. They're busy and I'd rather have them polishing the game to a perfect shine than tinkering with a horde mode.

A horde mode works in a game like gears, because the gameplay (if you're into it) is the best part of the game. Fighting enemies is not my favorite part of a TES game. I hope combat's great, but they should spend time on combat and the dozens of other things that make their games so great.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:59 pm

maybe an arena that goes on forever but not a horde mode.

That seems like essentially the same thing as a "horde mode" to me but i'm not too opposed to the concept of it.

It'd just have to be rounds at the arena, each round you get a predetermined type/amount of potions, and perhaps you could have to pick from given weapons (maybe armor) too. after each round you can decide to quit or keep going, and you maybe get different prizes for how long you last. No resting could be a rule as well.

I'm not sure if it should last forever though, maybe something like 25 (or up to 50... maybe) rounds, with a really good reward at the end.

Enemies could include:
Beasts (creatures/animals)
Summoned creatures (daedra, undead)
and prisoners who committed serious crimes
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:11 pm

The main response I'm getting is " It's not needed ". Well technically in those fps games, horde mode isn't really needed either it's just an addition. Why not go ahead and add it, if Bethesda runs out of things to install within the remaining months, might as well add a horde mode, we want the best quality but ALSO a great quantity of things in this game, everything helps. Here's how I'm looking at it:

Skyrim = Skyrim

Skyrim + Horde Mode = Better Skyrim ( Because there's additional stuff to do! )

This is, I believe, how you guys are looking at it:

Skyrim - Horde Mode = Better Skyrim ( Because it gives them more time to perfect certain things like animations and such )

Like I stated earlier, I would much rather they added features/content and quality assurance than adding another mode.

Look at it this way....

Skyrim = Skyrim

Skyrim + more features & content = Better Skyrim

Skyrim + Horde = Skyrim w/ Horde mode

LOL. I rather have "Better Skyrim" than "Skyrim w/ Horde mode". :brokencomputer:
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:50 am

um, Gears of War isn't. :whistling:

Har har :pinch:
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:52 am

I wouldn't want a full blown horde mode. Maybe enlist in the war as a mercenary and participate in battles? Thats the best I could think of to fit anything remotely close to a horde mode in TES.
I did enjoy http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33037 though, it was pretty fun, though restricted by the limited engine used in Oblivion.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:30 am

- Vietnam DLC. Guerilla Argonian warfare in a jungle/swamp area. Ready your M60. :)

I want an M60 as a reward for saving an entire village from a dragon attack without any houses getting destroyed!
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:17 am

When thinking of this idea I never thought about the limit to the number of enemies on the screen. Nazi Zombies did it perfectly by saying " Okay, considering how the maps are rather small we'll make the maximum amount of zombies alive at one given time twenty four. " Because of the way Skyrim is, they might have only put 10 on the screen at a time, I don't know.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:28 am

Like I stated earlier, I would much rather they added features/content and quality assurance than adding another mode.

Look at it this way....

Skyrim = Skyrim

Skyrim + more features & content = Better Skyrim

Skyrim + Horde = Skyrim w/ Horde mode

LOL. I rather have "Better Skyrim" than "Skyrim w/ Horde mode". :brokencomputer:

LOL, I like your very super ultra-biased equation/conclusion

I don't understand horde mode... isn't it just a new word for survival mode? I don't see the big deal with that. Just put it in an arena and make it seem normal...

Why is it always one or the other with you people... If I make a thread talking about... lets say "Fishing", then someone always says "I don't want fishing because I want...." I don't really get that. we have no idea what they implemented already... Stop pretending you don't want fishing, just so you can point out something more "important". I'm no game programmer, but i couldn't imagine a survival mode taking too long to implement...

So in case I'm wrong about Horde mode being essentially the same as survival mode... I don't see the big problem with it.

Arena + beast catchers + summoners + harsh judicial system = endless rounds of enemies in an Arena... seems like it could fit the game to me...

BTW: survival mode = feature and content
and i agree... Skyrim + more features and content = Better Skyrim

Or we can just do what you did with something else

Skyrim + more features and content = Better Skyrim
Skyrim + Horses = Skyrim w/ horses

LOL I'd take Better Skyrim any day <--(read in a mocking tone)
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:16 am

Main things to avoid when posting on these forums if you want people to agree with you...

saying you want ANYTHING like it is in Call of Duty or similar games
Using words with possibly bad connotations, like "minigame" (or horde mode instead of survival-mode)
Mentioning that you think dragon mounts would be cool
Wanting guns
Wanting to raise your own dragon
Not thinking your [censored] out (wanting guards, necromancers, AND bandits in one survival mode... WHAT? where does this take place?)

OP broke 3 rules...
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:15 am

Had to read the thread to get some context - I was unfamiliar with the term "horde mode". :shrug:

As for the idea..... um, no. Seems like something more suited to a game where you can kill mass quantities of things fast (i.e, shooters, hack-n-slash fantasy action games, zombie games, etc.)

edit: and, outside of games actually designed that way (Flash games like Endless Zombie Rampage), I think the only game with something that might be vaguely considered a Horde Mode that I've played is Borderlands. (And that's only if you consider Moxxi's Arena to be that.) And the arena got boring pretty darn quick.
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Karl harris
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:38 am

As for the idea..... um, no. Seems like something more suited to a game where you can kill mass quantities of things fast (i.e, shooters, hack-n-slash fantasy action games, zombie games, etc.)

Final Fantasy VII had a fun battle arena (in the golden saucer)... it was essentially a horde mode, only done in small turn-based fights (to contrast with killing "mass quantities of things fast" like many people on this thread think survival mode would have to be... fact is, it can be anywhere inbetween)
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:59 am

No. No need for it, as there are plenty of (more suitable) games that have already done it well so if I've got a horde itch I'll play one of those. :shrug:

This is my opinion as well.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:13 am

Other. TES already has something similar to what you're talking about in-game. It's called the ARENA, and it's enough for me.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:13 am

Arena matches? Sure.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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