Who here hopes for a horde mode?

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:32 pm

Horde Mode, as in an actual mode from the Menu that you choose and it puts you in a fixed area of Skyrim and sends waves of TES creatures your way until you die...no thanks.

But I would like to see more gladiator-type options in the Skyrim Arena. I'd also like to see smaller Arenas in other cities with a main one that you have to work towards, where only the elite can fight. You would start off at the lowest arena and work your way up to arenas of increasing levels in different cities until you make it to the big show. These are Nords are they not? They live for a good fight, if I'm not mistaken. I'd like to see the basic Arena quest line, where my character can become the Grand Champion in single combat, and then continue to fight for gold and fame and to defend the title. I'd even like it if you could lose the title and then try to get it back (cue the Rocky soundtrack) But, I'd also like to see team-based battles and have a Team Grand Champion title. Would be cool to have environmental effects too...spiked walls, pit traps, spike traps, random creatures that attack both sides equally, grates in the floor that shoot out flames, etc. Things I can try to knock my opponent back into. It would be cool if you could even pick what type of combatant you want on your team, fighter, mage or archer. This way you could compliment your skill set. If you were a fighter you could get an archer for ranged support and a restoration mage for healing and magic support.

Don't know if any of that is even possible and I won't care if it's not in the game, but I'd prefer the devs spend time on something like that rather than a horde mode.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:24 pm

I seen the thread title... Then I seen your avatar... I decided to follow it's example :P
jk. But seriously, I think the only thing that should even resemble Horde mode, is an Arena of some kind... And it shouldn't be a repetition of 10 waves getting stronger ;)
I liked how the Arena in Oblivion worked... But that was years ago :) Now we need to top that with the Skyrim Arena :D
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:44 am

Horde Mode, as in an actual mode from the Menu that you choose and it puts you in a fixed area of Skyrim and sends waves of TES creatures your way until you die...no thanks.

if Horde-mode is synonymous with Survival-mode, I don't think that it has to be like that.... It's just any way you can play endless rounds of enemies. It's a separate mode in FPS games... but a similar thing was done in FFVII only it wasn't a "mode" it was sort of an arena, where you kept taking on enemies and if you leave after a round you have to start all over again later. Getting through so many rounds at once got you some nice rewards... I don't see why a similar thing couldn't be implemented

I just think everyone has this misconception about it... but maybe I'm wrong if "HORDE-mode" means anything specifically different.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:05 am

When thinking of this idea I never thought about the limit to the number of enemies on the screen. Nazi Zombies did it perfectly by saying " Okay, considering how the maps are rather small we'll make the maximum amount of zombies alive at one given time twenty four. " Because of the way Skyrim is, they might have only put 10 on the screen at a time, I don't know.

Or because of the type of game Skyrim is, and because it lacks the "I'm done? But I just started!" effect of an extremely linear shooter, they won't waste development time adding this unneeded gimmick. :thumbsup:
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:20 am

Would you like a horde mode?

I think you have Skyrim confused with a shooter. No, there are not modes in TES.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:23 am

No. No. No. No. No.

Horde modes are just a gimmick designed to increase replayability in multiplayer-focused games. It works in those games, not TES. TES is designed to be replayable without gimmicks like this. If this were to ever happen, it would be the end of the TES series as we know it. Bethesda is far better off spending development time on something worth programming instead of a gimmick like this.

Oh, did I mention "no"?
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:09 am

oblivioon had guard mode and that was enough for me.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:10 am

Have you ever tried to make a mod in Oblivion where you put 10-20 npcs in the same area and you make them attack you, all in different gear and at medium to maximum video settings? And then let more an more npcs respawn until the end of the encounter? It will LAAAAAAAAG!!! It's also largely redundant for a game like Skyrim.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:41 am

Sounds too action gamey. No.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:16 am

no, that just would not work in TES. so far in the series fighting large numbers of enemies at the same time has been throughly unpleasant.
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james reed
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:47 am

Poll results is hilarious
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:10 am

Poll results is hilarious

Not to mention as predictable as the weather in the Sahara.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:17 pm

There obviously won't be a horde mode :P I would hope to see any type of arena, loved it in Oblivion. Although in Skyrim I'd like to have something tighter like pitfighting, kinda of like in Conan the Barbarian(Movie not book).
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:02 am

I guess survival-arena isn't in popular demand. and idea's i agree with tend to be more popular. I still fail to see the problem with it, but there's two possibilities:

1) I'm missing something everyone else gets.
2) I'm the only one who gets it, and everyone else can't see it's potential.

I'll give up and go with 1. Can someone tell me exactly why it wouldn't work in skyrim, other than "it's not an FPS duh!". A form of Horde-mode [shudder] was in FFVII (RPG game) and it was good IMO.

So here's my idea of "Horde Mode" (which i would like to call survival-mode, cause i hate the sound of Horde-mode) just in case you didn't catch my other threads:

Horde Mode:

-It's at the end of the arena guild. after you are grandmaster, you can choose to fight through rounds of increasingly more difficult monsters, animals, undead (summoned), and daedra (obviously summoned) for money and prizes.
-No Opportunity to rest in between rounds.
-Once you get to round 50, you can cash out and get the prize, everything after that is just gravy.



-You are stripped of all your belongings
-Choice of given weapon armor (you get to choose between predetermined weapons and armor)
-No rest in between rounds
-Limited magic spells
-You are given a few potions each round.

Otherwise it's the same as regular horde mode.

PS. I just realized Survival mode is already synonymous for hardcoe mode in this forum... there's no way i can win.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:20 am

1) I'm missing something everyone else gets.

I've just found the entire problem, and it does indeed lie in your understanding: You keep asking about why it would/wouldn't work. If you'll re-read the thread, the bulk of us are actually going by the thread's topic: "Who here hopes for a horde mode?" and the final question of the OP, which asks: "Would you like a horde mode?" You're discussing something other than what we are- of course there's an obvious disconnect.

You're trying to argue whether it would work with people who are answering whether they want it. I don't give a damn about it working or not, I just don't want it. I don't see the appeal, I don't see where it would add anything particularly interesting, and thus don't want it. You can prove conclusively that it can be done, and that it would function, and it would have no bearing on my opinion- I still wouldn't want it.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:23 am

I've just found the entire problem, and it does indeed lie in your understanding: You keep asking about why it would/wouldn't work. If you'll re-read the thread, the bulk of us are actually going by the thread's topic: "Who here hopes for a horde mode?" and the final question of the OP, which asks: "Would you like a horde mode?" You're discussing something other than what we are- of course there's an obvious disconnect.

You're trying to argue whether it would work with people who are answering whether they want it. I don't give a damn about it working or not, I just don't want it. I don't see the appeal, I don't see where it would add anything particularly interesting, and thus don't want it. You can prove conclusively that it can be done, and that it would function, and it would have no bearing on my opinion- I still wouldn't want it.

I was only trying to create a vision of hardcoe mode that would be likable by some.

I was thrown off by everyone (well not everyone) just saying "this only belongs in a shooter game". I had a feeling people weren't imagining it the right way.

I think we both are right here, by which i mean lots (probably most) of people simply don't want it, yet i feel some people fail to grasp what a survival arena would be like in Skyrim.

I don't think I've ever been in such a minority in a Skyrim Poll though...
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darnell waddington
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:46 am

Nobody was too opposed to the idea when i had a thread about it... but maybe because it wasn't specifically about it. Quite a good amount of posters agreed it was a good idea though

Here's the thread:

actually LOL i think i might have given the OP of this thread the idea.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:02 am

I wouldn't want or care for a horde mode, at least not in the sense of unlimited enemies fighting you again and again.

What I wouldn't mind is an Arena match type where you and around 20 other competitors fight to be the last man standing. That could be pretty cool.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:06 am

arent all those games you listed that have a horde mode... not very replayable?

of course they're gonna have horde modes because they arent as awesome as TES!

i dont think we need a horde mode... skyrim will be perfectly fine without one.
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emily grieve
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:50 am

how many quests does the game have? (TONS AND TONS) how many hours of gameplay does the games main quest have roughly? (MORE AND MORE TONS!) how many sidequests and hours of them will there be aside from the main one? (Even more tons than both of the ones i mentioned before) and even if you finish these things, how many mods with quests that will equal to a whole expansion or at least dlc do you think there will be (Tons.) so let me get this straight, you're worried about replayability? a majority of people on these forums are STILL playing oblivion. a lesser amount but still tons of people on these forums are still playing morrowind!. an even lesser amount, but noteworthy nontheless still play arena and daggerfall.

so are you worried about replayability? go press new game, and play as a mage instead of rogue next gameplay and trust me it'll be tons different. if they'll add hardcoe mode, that will also be much better than horde mode.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:49 am

This isn't really that kind of game, maybe find a 3rd person hack n slash or FPS.

The arena(if there is one) might sate your thirst for combat. dun dun dun.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:16 am

Lets keep that in Gears of War shall we?
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:45 am

A thousand times, yes.

Unfortunately, I doubt Bethesda will put one in - but it's become a bit of a tradition for me to include a horde mode in my larger mods, so never fear.

Its not often done in Rpg's, as horde modes are often "survive till ya drop", and rpg's very very rarely have that kind of permanent death or situation. However...
To the detractors of horde mode in rpg's, I ask you this: after you've crafted your character, tailored to your playstyle, gathered artifacts from all over the map (wabbajack, anyone?), and slain the main villain, don't you wish there was some ultimate test for your character?

I've personally implemented horde mode as both a final test for your character, and as a challenge that rewarded achievement in it with escalating rewards. In my "The Last Stand" mod, its literally a fight-till-you-drop battle where you attempt to survive as many waves as possible. In my "The Bloodworks" mod, at the end there's a bonus unlockable, a horde mode that is NOT a final battle to the death, but rather one you can exit at any time, after each round. If you survived to round X, a treasure chest would spawn outside with rewards proportional to your achievement.

Anyway, one way or another it'll be in Skyrim, by my hand, Bethesda's, or some other modder as well.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:11 am

I wasn't aware Skyrim was a first-person shooter.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:25 am

Well... No thanx :)
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