Who here hopes for a horde mode?

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:24 am

I've always thought the arenas could be things like that, and even a way to make some good cash at higher levels. Every wave you get a fight bonus or whatever. Sometimes waves of monsters, sometimes humans, etc. Was pretty sad in obv once you finish off the main dudes.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:59 am

absolutely not. TES is a world not a game mode
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:45 am

This won't fit in the game at all only a arena or hunting.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:36 pm

*puts on stranglin gloves* scuse me OP? :stare:

What the hell is ^this about? Relax, please. It's called an idea, not a threat or offensive comment.

No, in those games it's a gimmick to try and artificially inflate already-lacking gameplay time so people don't feel ripped off at what they paid for the game compared to what they got out of it playtime-wise.

And since TES games don't suffer from the "Is that all?!" effect that led shooter makers to come up with gimmicks like horde mode, it not only isn't necessary, it also most likely won't happen.

Gotta throw this in here. You are obviously biased against shooters, so I'll keep this straightforward. The games mentioned with a "horde" mode are multiplayer games. To be able to fight the chief antagonist forces of the game alongside a group of friends/internet friends is the fun part. They are extremely popular for that reason ALONE. That is not a gimmick, it is a functional multiplayer game feature. It has nothing to do with the singleplayer of those games. If the singleplayer is too short or bad, that's a separate issue. The MP parts of the game serve their own purpose.

OT: This is not a great idea for any singleplayer RPG, let alone TES. I really don't see this fitting in any way. Sorry, but it's a no from me. And from Bethesda.....for the TES series, at least.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:45 am

No, don't want it.

Not even if it is only in the Arena. Titles and fame really didn't do it for me. I just played the Arena for the money and because the ... blademaster(? ) actually had some nice lines. Reminded me of a guy at Ft. Benning :P

I just never got into the whole kill everything combat is so fun thing. (and I don't play shooters either) IN fact, I pretty much try to avoid melee combat by using archery and backstabs. Combat with more than one person for me, essentially boils down to just trying to keep the target in front of me and mashing the swing button. It's not really fun, and I wouldn't like doing it even more :shrug:

Could it work logically? As far as I know in your context, yes. Still don't want it :shrug:
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Anna S
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:46 am

Gotta throw this in here. You are obviously biased against shooters,

Gotta throw this in here. You are quite wrong. :P
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Helen Quill
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:13 am

Unless beths combat system has changed where weapons can strike multiple targets in a single swing, this Hoarde mode bit will kill you pretty quick if your not a magick user, I still qondering why people don't see the "this won't work" part of hoarde mode....did you play oblivion? do you remember how long it took to kill someone? "oh no they have fallout 3 level scaling its k" oh ok I rephrase the quesiton, do you remember how long it took to kill someone in FO3? WITH headshots?
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:40 am

It is an open ended RPG its very nature makes it replayable we don't need a [censored] horde mode, this isn't an action shooter!
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:00 pm

NO! I don't want a horde mode, the only mode I would like, would be some kind of hadrcore mode.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:07 am

What the hell is a horde mode?

Is that where you fight increasingly more bad guys after the other? Couldn't that be done with some sort of Arena style combat? Like fighting in The Arena whenever you want to sate you'r blood lust.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:55 am

Horde Mode? Really?
That's a certain game's way of saying "survival mode"
Look at the games that have that mode;
Halo Reach
Gears of War
Call of Duty

ALL are first person shooters
This is a role playing game...
A survival mode in an RPG like The Elder Scrolls makes as much sense as making Hello Kitty and Dora the Explorer playable characters in Gears of War.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:58 am

It seems like there's a knee-jerk reaction happening with this thread. Most people seem to be saying "Wha? Oh noes! This isn't Call of Duty, no ways!"

And that's kind of understandable since Horde mode is most famous in Gears of War and Call of Duty - thus your instinctive reaction is a feeling that horde mode would somehow make Skyrim more like CoD.

The problem arising here is that Horde Mode hasn't been done in a major way in an rpg, which is a shame in my opinion. It could be the ultimate test for your character after all. If you stop to think about it, Horde Mode WAS done in an rpg, in the middle of the campaign no less: Dragon Age. In the redcliffe debacle, you had to (Along with your party and the defenders of redcliffe) fight off waves and waves of undead, until daylight came. It's one of the most popular missions for the game to this day, but a lot of people don't associate that with horde mode.

Anyway, this late in development it's unlikely bethesda will put it in, but I usually get around to putting in a Horde mode after my first couple mods.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:29 pm


wanna know why?

this is the elderscrolls!
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:02 am

You're a big hulking Nord warrior with plate armour and an axe, you can hack your way through big waves of enemies no problem.

You're a powerful Altmer mage, you can use your powerful fire and frost spells to destroy big waves of enemies no problem.

You're a crafty Khajiit thief, you're buggered when the first big wave of enemies show up.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:51 am

No. No. No. No. No.

Horde modes are just a gimmick designed to increase replayability in multiplayer-focused games. It works in those games, not TES. TES is designed to be replayable without gimmicks like this. If this were to ever happen, it would be the end of the TES series as we know it. Bethesda is far better off spending development time on something worth programming instead of a gimmick like this.

Oh, did I mention "no"?

Now, now. Let's not get all overly dramatic here. I agree with you, I don't really want to see a Horde Mode in Skyrim, but to say that if something to this effect is implemented it would be the end of the TES series as we know it, I mean really? I know that when I buy this game, if I see Horde Mode in the Main Menu (and the chance of that is not bloody likely), I'm not going to shelve the game just because of Horde Mode. I'll probably just not play that mode and play the other 200-300 hours of awesomeness...and then play it again...four more times...over the course of five years while I wait for ES VI. Besides, even if it is implemented I'm sure it would be something seamless in the Arena where you have the option to enter a last man standing tournament or something. I highly doubt they'll do it like Gears of War (which is still amazing BTW) where you choose to enter Horde Mode from the Main Menu.

Anyway, Horde Mode or no, Skyrim is going to be uber-fantastic!
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:50 pm

I wouldn't mind an unbeatable wave defence to finish the main campaign off which ends in your character dying a noble death to save the world in a last stand kind of situation, but judging from the results of my old thread on the idea of character death I'm just about the only one who feels this way.

As for a conventional wave defence á la GoW? No thanks.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:11 am

I wouldn't mind an unbeatable wave defence to finish the main campaign off which ends in your character dying a noble death to save the world in a last stand kind of situation, but judging from the results of my old thread on the idea of character death I'm just about the only one who feels this way.

Oh, you can pretty much bet that'll never happen- that would be a definitive ending you couldn't play past, and would result in a sizable chunk of Maryland being razed by torch-and-pitchfork-wielding TES fanatics. The outcry about Fallout 3 ending that resulted in the Broken Steel Borked Steal DLC would look like a fart in a hurricane by comparison.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:30 am

Not at all
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:40 am

I will give a resounding NO to that. If someone wanted to mod that then they can.. but I really don't think it has any place in TES and personally I think that it would burn me out on the combat. Just like when you play the zombie modes in call of duty.. too many enemies and after a while you just want it to end. Not a fan of that sort of gameplay myself. I want the combat to be interesting and stay interesting, if that means limiting it then so be it. Also, TES is not all about combat. TES has been about story and role playing since the dawn of it's existence.

Edit: BTW it frustrates me how everyone calls it horde mode like GOW was the first to ever implement enemy wave survival.. It's like people who think that Halo invented tea bagging when I have done it since the first Rainbow Six. Or how everyone compares every rpg to WoW.. That sort of thing just makes me grumble in my angry corner.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:35 am

I will give a resounding NO to that. If someone wanted to mod that then they can.. but I really don't think it has any place in TES and personally I think that it would burn me out on the combat. Just like when you play the zombie modes in call of duty.. too many enemies and after a while you just want it to end. Not a fan of that sort of gameplay myself. I want the combat to be interesting and stay interesting, if that means limiting it then so be it. Also, TES is not all about combat. TES has been about story and role playing since the dawn of it's existence.

Edit: BTW it frustrates me how everyone calls it horde mode like GOW was the first to ever implement enemy wave survival.. It's like people who think that Halo invented tea bagging when I have done it since the first Rainbow Six. Or how everyone compares every rpg to WoW.. That sort of thing just makes me grumble in my angry corner.

I agree about the term horde mode, imo it should be more justly called Survival Mode.

Here's how I would implement an ideal Skyrim Survival Mode:

Add in a new dungeon, an ancient Dragon Shrine Ruin that is currently being escavated. Curious, you walk in and talk to the foreman in charge of the operation, who tells you that they can't send a team in because the deeper they go, the more undead start to rise and pour out of the the first floor's catacombs.

The foreman will only take you seriously if you've risen to the head of a faction, if so he'll propose a deal with you: hold off the rising undead for as long as possible, and he'll split the artifacts and loot the team escavated with you.

Waves of undead start to come out as the escavation team treads deeper and deeper into the ruins below - a defense mechanism meant to block off the intruder's escape with a mass of undead. As you hold the line, the team is allowed to go further, and the deeper they tread, the more the artifacts and loot rise in value and interest.

If you die, obviously you have to reload whatever save you had last. If you feel like you can't handle another wave, hit the switch to signal the escavation team to stop, and to return. Once that happens, the foreman gives you your share of the loot.

You're allowed to bring anyone you wish, from faction companions, to hired mercenaries, to a pet dog.

That's how I envision my survival mode mod at the moment. As for the more interesting rewards, I'm thinking some spell tomes (with customly scripted spells of course), artifacts in the style of wabbajack and the staff of worms, and perhaps even a new dragon shout.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:48 am

When it comes to video games, a good fashioned horde mode makes for a lot of replay ability, at least for me. That was the main reason I enjoyed games like Left 4 Dead, Gears of War, and certain Call of Duty games. There could be MANY ideas and ways to branch off with the idea of a horde mode. The main ideas I was thinking of were: Achievements for getting to a very high wave, Coins based on the number of creatures killed and the difficulty of said creatures, Special equipment, etc.

When I think of Horde Mode I think of just an endless number of battles where it gets tougher and tougher, starting from something small such as a couple of mud crabs, but then gets tougher and tougher to where you're stuck fighting minotaurs, lich, cliff racers, necromancers, guards, bandits, maybe even dragons and various npcs that are otherwise marked as essential.

Would you like a horde mode?

Meh, doesn't fit TES at all.
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:33 pm

The only way I can see this fitting in with the universe if they included it in an arena setting.

I'd rather they didn't though, I just want them to make the fighting more tense, harder and visceral. I want to feel like I am having a battle to the death with a marauder warlord instead of giving him a few disconnected bashes and he collapses.
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