Anyone else? Or am I alone in this?

I'll probably play a female character first, customizing her to be as attractive as I can make her.
I mean she won't look anything like me, but hey, if I'm going to play a female she's going to be hot, dammit.
I'm going to give both default characters a play through.
I want to see how different the male and female protagonist dialog/story is.
Maybe a default Lauren if I can make her look like my avatar.
Don't think I've ever used the default character in any game that allows customization, and I'm not about to start now.
I'm not even sure I've heard of this before. And I've heard/read a lot here.
I thought about doing that, but I think I'm going to have way too much fun in character creator to actually do it, lol..
I liked the general look of Joe Smoe, the voice kind of fit the appearance for me. So first play through I might stick with the default look for the male character, but play around a bit with the female character's look.
Nah, I've never used any default appearance in any game. Not even the default appearances for male/female Shepard from Mass Effect, despite looking ten times better than most of what you could create with the character creator.
I actually like how the default male looks. i'm probably going to give him that Lone Wanderer beard and change his eye color. Other than that he looks great. Better than the past default characters.
I like the look of the defaults so I'll probably go with them after a bit of tweaking. Nora is gonna need a more practical haircut for instance and if there isn't a barber in the wastes I'll probably have to do it at the start. Or maybe use showracemenu, wonder if that'll still work? And green eyes. I like green eyes.
I want a bear too, dammit!
I always customize the character to whatever starts looking good as I fiddle with the settings. Only game I went with default was ME1.
"Use default character?" I mean, I recognize all those words as English but I cannot comprehend how you put them together.
Default character - using the face as given. The Male Shepard who was shown in 90% of the Mass Effect trailers. The FO4 Sole Survivor man or woman that we've seen in the footage, without changing anything. When presented with character customization after New Game, just hitting "OK". Default - the standard option, without alteration.
Meh, while I dig Nora, I'll leave her be, since she kinda reminds me of Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea.
I've never played default face. The tools are there, I am compelled to use them. I must create.