» Wed May 04, 2011 2:43 pm
Lately it hasn't been a person, rather an object or piece of the world. My current character died after misjudging the height of a drop. Before that was due a massive explosion after we were playing with a grenade bouquet :rolleyes:
The explosion was bigger than normal due to a mod called Destruction. In the Bethesda Ruins is a hole in the floor, upstairs. Because I couldn't reach it I thought I'd drop crap down to try and dislodge it. After my fourth frag mine it all dislodged, but down below was something explosive - maybe some ammo, or a flamer. Well, it caused http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/8589/87057969.jpg :mellow:
Usually it's dislodged easily and I kill the Raiders on the bottom floor, especially the one sleeping. This time, no such luck.