Real life cats (&dogs) do have many one briasts, BUT in the game Khajiit (and Argonians[that is a different topic]) just have two. Two that all that they need anyways. Therefore, werewolf females just need two briasts.
Very true, that is the point of this topic and a request to ZOS to fix this problem. If this was a single player game, one can / could mod the game to fit this aspect of RP / Lore better, but ESO is a MMO. Therefore, one can not mod textures. ZOS have to do that part.
I can see when a werewolf guild try do some PVE / PVP (like 50 to 100) clones of the same model. That in stetting, the play does not feel "special" anymore. This game of ESO is NOT a "clone war and return of the Jedi" movie after all.
There are two ways to solve this problem of "clone wars"
1) Gender based werewolf models.
2) Werewolf char creation screen for ear shape, fur color, face shape, etc.
Does anyone else know a better way to this problem.